Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Balm Application

 All day I've been in a state of mind that made me sad.  A family situation.  I have absolutely no control over it and being co-dependent, I of course want to fix it.  And I can't. Therefore I'm sad.

I prayed.  I read. etc. etc.  I talked to Terry.  I talked to my son, Greg.  They were both patient and encouraging and gave great counsel.  And still the sadness lingered.  It seemed so impossible.  How do you deal with situations that you have not one bit of power to change???

Answers so many times are found, for me at least, in Conference talks.  Late in the day and actually getting ready for bed....Eureka!--I found just the answer!!  from 1977 by Elder Packer.  The Balm of Gilead.  The counsel is so inspired and just filled in the blank for me.  Especially when he acknowledged, there are some problems that are not put in order because of no control!  there it was!!!!

"Some of it you have to get rid of without really solving the problem. Some things that ought to be put in order are not put in order because you can’t control them."
The answer to life's challenges are truly within the Church and between prayer, study, Holy Ghost and searching and pondering and searching and yearning for answers, we can find them and move ahead.  

This talk is just amazing!!  enjoy it!  here are just a couple of tidbits.

 by Elder Packer
"My message is an appeal to those who are worried or restless or anxious, a plea to those who are not at peace.....All of us carry excess baggage around from time to time, but the wisest ones among us don’t carry it for very long. They get rid of it.

" If you have festering sores, a grudge, some bitterness, disappointment, or jealousy, get hold of yourself. You may not be able to control things out there with others, but you can control things here, inside of you.

"Some of it you have to get rid of without really solving the problem. Some things that ought to be put in order are not put in order because you can’t control them."

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