Monday, September 4, 2017

Beautiful Words...

Yesterday I read of Elder Uchtdorf's and Bishop Gérald Caussé trip to Texas.  I was so touched by Elder Uchtdorf's comments on his FB page.  I thought of how much growth there has been as the Church has progressed.  President Kimball was the first Apostle called from a State other than Utah. Arizona.  and it was a big deal.  And man from Germany and one from France and it's an even bigger deal and one of excitement!

From Elder Uchtdorf's FB yesterday

I have just left the Houston, Texas area, where floods caused by Hurricane Harvey have caused catastrophic loss. Though we all have seen photos and videos of the destruction, there is little that can prepare you for the enormity of the damage caused. It is heart wrenching.

Despite this intense trial, thanks to the Savior and those who follow Him, there is always reason for hope. I forever will be inspired by the selfless humanitarian service I witnessed today.

Members of The ...Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—as well as friends from many other faiths—have come together to “mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:9). What is happening in Texas and Louisiana is exemplary of what the Church does all over the world. Whether it is in Africa, Asia, or South America, our members are there to help. It is the gospel and Christ’s Church in action to serve God and fellowmen.

I want to speak directly to my friends in Houston, but I also hope this message can be helpful to you, wherever you are, if your own spiritual floodwaters are rising and you don’t know where to turn.
The Lord has given us a reassuring message of hope: “Fear not, little flock . . . Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not” (D&C 6:34, 36).
Hope sustains us through despair. Hope teaches that there is reason to rejoice even when all seems dark around us.

And to all who suffer—to all who feel discouraged and worried—I say with love and deep concern for you, never give in.

Never surrender.

Never allow despair to overcome your spirit.

When we have hope, we acknowledge the difficult path ahead of us, but we move forward in faith, knowing that God will see us through these times of trial.

My friends, embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart. I love you and I pray that you may find hope during these difficult times.


Today I awoke with these words running through my mind...Beautiful words of love.  Coming from God above.  How sweet how dear the words we hear!  They're beautiful words of love.  And then I thought again about the power of the words of Apostles to me and how touched I was by the tenderness of Elder Uchtdorf's kind and caring and encouraging FB comments.

I got up and grabbed my Hymnal.  Hymn #271. Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love.  The 2nd verse really spoke to me.

They're from Apostles good and true, Whose names we all revere,
Who daily teach us what to do In words of love and cheer.
Beautiful words of love Coming from God above,
How sweet, how dear the words we hear!
They're beautiful words of love.

Here you go!!  Enjoy and be sure and peek at verses 4 & 5!

Well, that was interesting.  I can't find it on the Church site to share!  Have yourself a sing-a-long with your own Hymnal!


(The latest...again---  comfort and power and reassurance and direction and counsel and love!!!)

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled to Houston, Texas, this morning to meet with members and tour areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey. President Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency; Bishop Gérald Caussé of the Presiding Bishopric; and Elder J. Devn Cornish of the Seventy attended a Church service with Latter-day Saints from four congregations who were affected by the flooding or assisting in the cleanup efforts.

He continued, "The Church is really not so much the organization. The Church is you, every individual member. That makes the difference. And your work, your service, your love, your kindness is a reflection of what the Church is all about."

Many of the Latter-day Saints in attendance donned Mormon Helping Hands vests and T-shirts as they followed his admonition to continue to move forward and help their friends and neighbors in the cleanup efforts.

"My heart is melting just to see your smiles," Bishop Caussé told the congregation. "We look forward to the future with confidence although the circumstances are difficult, and we know that we'll be blessed as we worship, as we pray ... and as we go forward and help our neighbor who is in need."

Following the meeting, the senior Church leaders visited a nearby command center where the Church's relief efforts are being coordinated.

The Church has sent 16 truckloads of water and supplies to Houston and other communities in Texas.

More assistance will be provided as needed.

President Uchtdorf, Bishop Caussé, Elder Cornish and other leaders visited the Houston Texas Temple to assess the damage caused by floodwaters from a nearby creek. They also visited neighborhoods hard hit by the flooding, where they talked with volunteers helping with cleanup efforts today.

Many Church meetinghouses have also been flooded or damaged by the hurricane. Six buildings have been flooded, and 20 others received minor damage. There are more than 56,000 members in more than 200 congregations in the region.

The homes of nearly 800 Latter-day Saints in Texas were damaged in the floods. More than 2,800 members have been displaced.

President Uchtdorf and other leaders stopped by an American Red Cross warehouse in Houston before returning to Salt Lake City.

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