Friday, December 9, 2016


Another box of SNV cream arrived today!!  Remember yesterday there were 3?  Today's tally?...4! 

Yesterday!  one two three! two three FOUR!


After my going nowhere bike ride, I decided to use my feeling stronger feeling and shovel the snow.  There I was in my workout uniform - bathrobe/knit hat/sweatpants/tennis shoes/gloves- shoveling away and up the rode comes a SweetSnowAngel with a snow shovel over her shoulder.  Smiling she said...Need some help?  She is one of our Ward Beehives.  I just love this girl.  She is kind and good and generous and talented and obviously compassionate and caring.  We finished up and she headed home to get ready for school.  Everything around here was thrown off and canceled because of the havoc on the roads with snow.  It isn't so much snow but it causes a lot of turmoil.  Maybe 7"?  not sure.

Speaking of winter.  Did you see this marvelous BYU show?  Winter Thaw... here  One of the best ever!!!  I saved it for when Jeanee comes out for us to enjoy together.  We always watch some shows/movies together.   here is what was on the BYU promo....

(In late nineteenth-century Russia, Martin Avdeitch is a humble shoemaker whose life has been characterized by grief. Martin must find the courage to look outside himself and trust in the goodness of God. This BYUtv original holiday special is based on Leo Tolstoy's short story, "Martin the Cobbler," and stars John Rhys-Davies)

A marvelous FHE!!

Along with that show we will also watch Alvin Ailey's Lincoln Center show.  I DVD it 6 weeks ago and just watched it tonight.  We won't watch the full thing but we will watch the show Revelations.  Alvin Ailey choreographed it in 1960.  It was so impressive and interesting.  I'd heard about it but never seen it before. She will enjoy it! 

Something for her to do besides open boxes of snake venom cream!!


The weather is really cold and more snow is on it's way.  We are super blessed.  We are frozen water icy to enjoy.  speaking of which.  Kipper had given us a steak.  (vegetarians...stop reading)  I decided to do what I'd seen on TV.  Sear it and then bake it.  Sounds so strange but it seemed popular.  So....I have a cast iron skillet that is a wonder.  If you can love a skillet then I love this skillet.  it's old and seasoned and smooth and amazing on all counts.  I heated the skillet, added some oil, got that super hot, plopped the marinated steak in the sizzling skillet and browned all  edges/sides.  I seared it 5 minutes total on each side but kept turning it.  Then popped it in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.  Let it rest.  Perfection.  Deliciousness.  made all the better as we were feasting and enjoying each others company. 

Before I did this daring modern, frying a steak, procedure, I got on line and looked up...skillet seared & oven baked steak.  I'm evidently way out of touch.  There were all sorts of recipes.  Even chicken breast.  I'm going to try that next. 


We continue to enjoy our minimal decorations and are content with how things look.  We feel peaceful and thankful and grateful and are enjoying our Christmas season.  We continue to enjoy our listening to the Book of Mormon each day.  We can feel the Spirit and that is such a blessing.  We feel good.

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