Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Marking off the weeks!

Not bypassing any single thing about the fantastic Christmas season but ...being totally self-indulgent and practically breaking my arm (patting myself on my back!), today  (drum-roll and fireworks.  please) I celebrated 5 months of my biking to nowhere!!  Yes, dear readers!...5 months today of 5 days a week and 40 minutes per day!!  Gave myself love today!!  Yay Me!

I have stayed consistent and am still doing my roll out of bed and now wearing long-johns, hat, gloves, socks and bath robe.  Oh, and sweat pants also.  No matter the outdoor temperature, the garage is not blowing/snowing/icing/sleeting/freezing/foggy or dark.  True it is cold but I used to walk in the afore described weather so this is just sort of like working out in a refrigerator?  I've never done that feat but it's a garage that is rather bare walled (totally just 2x4 with insulation and shelves filled with stuff )  It's brisk and cold but it's fine as I'm doing it, riding that bike, no matter the weather outside that impacts the weather inside.  It must be done.

Why?  Because I know myself well enough that even after 5 months of my choice of exercise, if I decided to stop, for even a couple of days...I'd stop altogether.  So...biking nowhere 'til no heart beat.  Okay.  Very dramatic.  But really...if I stop, I know I'll just quit.  I've done that before and can't afford to do it again.

This is about my health.  Remember I'm trying to get stronger and healthier and have more energy.
I am stronger...less tired...more endurance.  Not a bundle of energy.

 And I'm now hoping as 6 months approaches that I will start to see some changes in appearance.  I'm still the same shape except smaller.  For anyone that has ever had a weight problem...you know how you kind of pooch out someplace and then fat fills in and things become rounder and smoother?  Okay...only real fatties will get that sentence!  anyhow as I go down a bit suddenly I have some pooches being revealed.  (what psychoses do I have that just allows me to tell everything to you???)  Anyhow...I'm hoping by 6 months mark that I will start to feel like I have a shape that is more a real body shape. Not melting snowman body shape. 

I have started a stop/drop/roll exercise on my living room rug.  I've considered yoga.  I see the need for flexibility.  I think even walkers etc. break bones because they aren't flexible.  just my theory.  I may do some Yoga though.  I'm ready to add something to my biking.  Not sure what but I'll keep you posted (as if you doubted!)

I also want to do something different with eating.  I've tried Beet Kivass.  tried and stopped.  I've tried fermented cabbage.  tried and stopped.  I've tried smoothies.  tried and stopped.  Not as a steady diet but on a consistent daily basis.  Long enough to know that I didn't want to do it anymore.

Then I got to thinking...maybe some sort of an eating program that is known for helping folks lose weight.  I've looked into Blue Zone.  I've looked into Forks over Knives.  Looked into means...I bought books and read them and tried one or two recipes.  Then I got ads for Paleo and in a moment of weakness, with a sale that only had an hour left because of the super low prices, I ordered an assortment of books.  Then actually read about Paleo eating online, started rebelling immediately and will return books (when they arrive!)

I see Marie Osmond is still touting her 50 pound weight loss from a few years ago- NutriSystem? and Oprah!  Didn't she get into Weight Watchers a couple of years ago and she's now ecstatic about losing 10 pounds??  She is now cooking?  No personal chef anymore?  AMAZING!  (apology to Ms.Oprah.  I now hear from her ad that she has lost 40 pounds.  She bought into the company.  Does she own all or half?  either way...she paid a lot to lose those 40 pounds!)

I've spent so much money over the years on these type of programs that I've probably funded office suites at their headquarters!  Really!  Everyone wants my money and I'll still be a heavyweight so...No thanks.  Been there.  Done that. Heading back to checking out the WOW.  Testimony intact and it's still valid Doctrine in my mind.  Calorie reduction/portion control etc.  seem to ring true.  Maybe?  Possibly.

I'll keep you posted & will check back in 4 weeks, right on my 6 month mark!!

šŸ Venom Cream.  Creepy as all get out to even think about!!  My daughter is not coming in January and that is when we were going to open the face cream.  It will be February.  Can't wait that long.  Curiosity is getting the best of me!  So...On New Years Day, me the brave one, will have my Viking open the box and take a peek as to what the labeling looks like and what is really in the box.  I'll take pictures! 


Just didn't seem right to mix Christmas with all of the above but also couldn't resist sharing my progress.  Christmas report is coming ...low-key and wonderful!

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