Another chapter book! remember when I said I had 4 things that I had to get out of my system by climbing on my soap box? here So here is #2 of those things!
Chapter 1
My parents were smokers. The gospel had not yet entered my life and I thought absolutely nothing of this fact. Everyone seemed to be smoking. Movies were dense with ciggy smoke and we actually thought it was so romantic when the man lit the woman's cigarette. My Dad was a chain smoker that actually resulted in heart disease and his eventual death. He had to quit his 3-pack a day habit and my Mother quit also to help him along.
When my Dad died, my Mother started smoking again. Pretty heavy. They were in Boise and I was in Homer. One year I flew out to see her and I was surprised that she had quit smoking. I asked her how difficult it had been and she said...It wasn't hard at all. What? Huh?
She said she'd gone to buy a carton of her favorite brand and the price had gone up so high that she just got mad and said...They' ll never get another penny out of me!! I quit! and she did! forever!
I have had weight struggles for what seems forever and I've tried every which way known to mankind to get down and stay down. When I saw the movie Fed Up, I felt like my Mother had. I felt I'd been duped...tricked and I would never buy into the foolishness that I'd been drawn into.
Chapter 2
The Word of Wisdom to me has been about coffee, tea, liquor, tobacco and things addictive and harmful. Also of course the grains/fruits/veggies/meat etc. While it made no sense when I joined the Church to connect these things with religion, I became converted.
I've always been interested in D&C 89:4 being for/about "the last days" and felt when pornography and drugs entered into the picture that it was coupled in consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days..... I've always been fascinated by that part and really felt that hit advertising/music/videos etc.
The Word of Wisdom has now expanded way beyond my initial understanding and now is at a new high!
Chapter 3
It took 50 years before the tobacco industry finally owned up to the fact that tobacco was addictive and they fought legislature like crazy to not be monitored. Now they are doing the same thing on added sugar and saying it's harmless. reading what recently happened in New York and seeing the food companies really fighting for any sort of control, just confirmed their power to me. I'm not siding with the Mayor in trying to force the issue but I certainly side with him on it being harmful and it was interesting that the food factory money makers were making sure nothing changed.
a quote from article....Mr. Bloomberg’s proposal, which polls showed was opposed by a majority of New Yorkers, set off a global debate over soda consumption. It also prompted panic among powerful beverage companies, who feared that their products could be widely branded as a threat to public health. and also .....The soft-drink industry, through lobbying and public-relations campaigns, has helped defeat soda taxes and other regulatory measures in states and municipalities around the country. After Mr. Bloomberg announced his plan in May 2012, the industry poured millions of dollars into an ad campaign that framed the proposal as infringing on consumer freedom. The industry later retained the law firm of Latham & Watkins to challenge the limits in court.
(soft drinks New York).... here
Chapter 4
The 1st day I went to see Fed Up was like any other day in my life. I puttered about on home projects etc. and then unexpectedly within myself, I felt directed--go see the film as it will help you. Fat folks are always looking for help and I'd been really pleading for help and was at my wits end, running out of options, felt my health being compromised somewhat. when that prompt happened, I asked Terry if he wanted to go, he said No thanks and I ended up going alone.
Chapter 5
The documentary was amazing and I was bowled over by the news clips and statements and hearings and lies presented in ways to fool us. (in consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days!!!!)
I was stunned to realize how I'd been fooled by a very simple fact. Added Sugar!!!! Not home cooking and adding a bit of sugar, no I mean added sugar to all processed food by the manufacturers. When they take out the fat & reduce the calories in "weight loss foods", as the man in the movie tastes like cardboard. Sugar is added to make it palatable!
Sugar is addictive. Yes. My drug of choice!
Chapter 6
On food labels they never print the recommended daily sugar requirement and % met because it would so exceed the allowed limit that they would be exposed. I have checked so many food labels and am bowled over ddevery single time I read about more than the 24 grams of sugar or the 6 tsp. I can consume per day. All of the cartons of yogurt, soy milk, almond milk and all sorts of things...loaded with my drug of choice!!! Not to mention angel food cake...I remember when WW really promoted that and Cool-whip as a legal treat. Perhaps it was WW members, and not the company that shared that glad news but it was at a WW meeting that we all got hyper that we could legally eat it. Fatties never eat the recommended amount of any food so of course there was lots of going overboard on that sweet along with other things as the market picked up the pace and started really making lo-cal/low fat ice cream etc. etc. Well, anyhow you get the picture!
Chapter 7
I had to get some gas before I drove to the movie and as I went in to pay for the gas, I thought...hmmm this show will probably be something about not eating to much sugar... and as all sugar addicts do, I started looking at candy bars to eat on the drive. I actually love real smooth delicious chocolate and not gas station stuff but I ended up with a Rocky Road, a York Peppermint Pattie, a Butterfinger and 2 chocolate covered cherries (they were right there at the register when I paid. could not resist!)
I stashed the wrapper evidence in my car after eating some of the purchase. it was so old and nasty that even I couldn't eat it all. well, I ate a lot of it!
Both of the cherries, all of the Rocky Road, most of the York pattie and 50% of the Butterfinger.
Incriminating evidence for my crime pictured below. Sometimes I have no shame!!! deciding to enter the confessional booth aka my blog, I went out to the car and brought my little evidence bag in and dumped the contents out....
Devil food!!!! |
Note their lure in the corner!! Eat me!!!-- As Always...70% Less Fat! |
Oh!! My ENTIRE sugar grams for ONE Day in this 70% less fat product!! |
so there!!!! They got me good!! back at them! |
Chapter 8
It's very risky for a fatty to put anything on a blog on losing weight/health as people start to check you out and ask questions and that is not fun. I'm posting this because this is about my health and maybe it will also end up being about yours. I ended up seeing the movie 2 times. or was it three? I felt exactly like my Mother did about her anger over the tobacco companies raising the price of cigarettes so high. She went into the store to buy a carton of cigarettes and walked out vowing, to never give them a plug nickel! And she didn't.
I was so ticked off at being hoodwinked into thinking all the promoted prepared weight loss foods had added sugar and that would make it impossible to lose weight. It's addictive and harmful. I walked out and vowed to boycott processed food with added sugar! I know...that is extreme but I will watch them like a hawk and not give them my money. In this case the apple did not fall far from the tree to match my Mother's ire.
They had a segment in the movie that showed when the fitness craze started and how the food companies came out with helpful products--low-cal/low fat. Fact checkers were stunned to see that the obesity rates went up on a parallel level with the increased physical exercise activity. The more gyms/fitness centers came into play, the more obese the population grew. Because of added sugar to the diet products!!
Chapter 9
They had a segment in the movie that showed when the fitness craze started and how the food companies came out with helpful products--low-cal/low fat. Fact checkers were stunned to see that the obesity rates went up on a parallel level with the increased physical exercise activity. The more gyms/fitness centers came into play, the more obese the population grew. Because of added sugar to the diet products!!
Chapter 10
True I was prompted to go with the inner whisper that the movie would help me and this, I repeat, is about health, not being a bone rack.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland also noted that vanity of physical appearance is spiritually dangerous: “In terms of preoccupation with self and a fixation on the physical, this is more than social insanity; it is spiritually destructive and it accounts for much of the unhappiness … in the modern world. And if adults are preoccupied with appearance—tucking and nipping and implanting and remodeling everything that can be remodeled—those pressures and anxieties will certainly seep through to children. At some point the problem becomes what the Book of Mormon called ‘vain imaginations’ [1 Nephi 12:18]. And in secular society both vanity and imagination run wild. One would truly need a great and spacious makeup kit to compete with beauty as portrayed in media all around us” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2005, 30–31; or Ensign, Nov. 2005, 30).
Chapter 11
Added sugars now joins the Goliaths mentioned below....“There are Goliaths all around you, hulking giants with evil intent to destroy you. These are not nine-foot-tall men, but they are men and institutions that control attractive but evil things that may challenge and weaken and destroy you. Included in these are beer and other liquors and tobacco. Those who market these products would like to enslave you into their use. There are drugs of various kinds which, I am told, are relatively easy to obtain in many high schools. For those who peddle them, this is a multimillion-dollar industry, a giant web of evil. There is pornography, seductive and interesting and inviting. It has become a giant industry, producing magazines, films, and other materials designed to take your money and lead you toward activities that would destroy you.
“The giants who are behind these efforts are formidable and skillful. They have gained vast experience in the war they are carrying on. They would like to ensnare you.
is almost impossible to entirely avoid exposure to their products. You
see these materials on all sides. But you need not fear if you have the
slingshot of truth in your hands. You have been counseled and taught and
advised. You have the stones of virtue and honor and integrity to use
against these enemies who would like to conquer you. Insofar as you are
concerned, you can hit them ‘between the eyes,’ to use a figurative
expression. You can triumph over them by disciplining yourselves to
avoid them. You can say to the whole lot of them as David said to
Goliath, ‘Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a
shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of
the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.’
will be yours. … You have His power within you to sustain you. You have
the right to ministering angels about you to protect you. Do not let
Goliath frighten you. Stand your ground and hold your place, and you
will be triumphant” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 66; orEnsign, May 1983, 46, 51).
Chapter 12
sugars.... ADDED sugar to processed food. These pics are from the movie.
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My former drug on left. Me...the ex- addict!!! cocaine addicted rats chose sugar water if it was available OVER cocaine! |
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what a racket!! |
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criminal!!! |
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Yes! I am definitely FED UP!!!! |
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that is what a committee came up with!! pizza is a vegetable! |
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family meals. advocate of them!!! |
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nothing liquid is real!! all sugar!!!! |
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Cereals marketed to children are pure sugar!!! |
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I have eaten so much yogurt!! .5 tsp over what I'm to have in a day of sugar grams!!! Chapter 13 |
I wonder if Stevia is on this list????? fruit juice concentrate = source of sugar!!!
Chapter 14
35 Jelly Beans=28 grams of sugar!
20 oz. Mountain Dew=77 sugar grams!! (single serving. check all soda!!! shocking!!!
Chapter 15
I have become an avid label reader on added sugar. I'm alarmed!! It's not by accident that the % of needed sugar is left blank. The food companies like it that way as it appears harmless and not worth your time to watch that %. also they put it in grams which makes it harder. ADDED sugar is what I'm talking about here. not fresh fruits etc.
There are packages of little cutie-pie snacks for babies/toddlers that are absolutely nothing but sugar. All the juices are sugar. some of those diaper bags are unknowingly loaded with a vanload of sugar by Moms that love their babies. Now this is a shocker....The first generation of children that will die before their parents, being raised right now, are fed the very non-food, sugar, that will do them in. Little children have little organs and those bitty little organs can't survive being squeezed to death by fat. There is no data on what will happen diabetes wise to the current children as this has never happened before. There are babies that are obese. toddlers that are obese. teens that are obese and oh, fellow adults with sugar addictions!!! Our nation is the most obese in the world! nothing I'm proud to be a part of!!! (Our granddaughters just got back from 3 weeks in Europe. They were surprised that people weren't heavy. when they got back to the USA it was really surprising to see mostly obese folks!) I like this chart....
Chapter 16
There is a group called the World Health Organization and they recently lowered the level of sugar grams needed. They try to come up with guidelines that all areas concerned with health can agree on throughout the world. They agreed and then the food industry, with all of their money and power, came in and pressured them to raise it a bit. They did somewhat but it's still down a lot. I think this was done in March of this year. If you want to read something about the recommended WHO grams/tsp of sugar then go here and here
Chapter 17
Actually I can go on and on but I'll spare you the tirade!! hopefully not lose my readers and friends!! and just proceed to be aware and alert to added sugar in processed food.
Going to let this rest but I will not support the food industry that is marketing added sugar. Just plain old food of my own making. If I add sugar?...well, that's my life, my body, my business and I know how to account for it and can figure out my 25 added sugar grams but I am boycotting suppliers in food industry that add sugar. If I was a young mom, which I'm not, I'd really watch what I pack in the diaper bag. Just sayin'. Just sayin'.
Muzzling my mouth!! this will be my one and only obnoxious outlet about me single handedly going to fight the food industry!! (I admit I shouldn't say that as I'm so passionate about the gimmicky stuff and their power, really...can I just say it once? I'll really try!!!)
This is a single subject blog...added sugar to processed food. so please don't tell be about carbs, exercise, fat, protein etc. etc. and balance that is needed for weight loss. Also it will take a lengthy time to free myself of my sugar padded extra self that I daily haul around. So you can watch me but even I don't expect an overnight miracle!! One more controversial thing...I will eat wheat. In my personal copy of Doctrine & Covenants, Sec. 89, it says...wheat for man. The wheat we have, has been stored for decades, so maybe that is why it doesn't bother us? Who knows!!!!
friends still??????
You can now pre-order Fed Up from Amazon or I-Tunes. For this blog to really come together you absolutely MUST see the documentary. It will change your entire way of thinking about eating. Especially if you have a weight problem.
Now I'm thinking....does this even make sense the way I wrote it? Does it even come across what I am doing?....pretty much boycotting processed foods...checking added sugar grams on all food labels....endeavoring to keep my sugar grams to 24 or 6 teaspoons. All of the processed stuff that has been suggested/recommended for weight loss is what has packed the pounds on. I've eaten tubs of yogurt!! one Western Family itt-bitty 6oz. low-fat, 1% milkfat, vanilla yogurt has a whopping 26 grams of sugar!!!
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