Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thoughts on a Wednesday

Love and thoughts of peace are on my mind a lot.  I love my family.  I love my friends.  I love the Gospel/The Church- programs and classes and meetings and teaching and learning and most especially that weekly meeting to be amongst the believers.  It's a very brief association that often doesn't even involve conversation or contact.  We are all together for that Sacrament hour to renew covenants, to be buoyed by talks, to inwardly repent and to draw strength from the mere presence of each other.  I love to be with the believers.  I enjoy doing a mental pew check as to who is in place and those that are not.  There is peace for me in that meeting. Strength.  Love.

I also love the Temple.  I love the stillness. the hush. the non-world feeling of calm. I love knowing that I can have storms within myself calmed.  I love knowing that blessings will follow me home.  I love knowing personal revelation is a reality and that answers will come with either solutions or greater strength to bear what is vexing me.

And I love the blessing that I have, way down deep in my soul, that we are led by Prophets.  That we have Apostles here on earth.  They will give clear guidance to all of us and I'm so thankful when the Holy Ghost testifies to me of truths they have spoken.  They too give me untold volumes of sacred writ filled with their love/God's love and it rings true in very loud tones.

I love the order of the Church organization and I have a clear understanding of who is in charge.  I have a very small arena of influence and responsibility with family and friends and any calling that has been extended to me via the Priesthood.  I understand the pecking order and know that I will only know what to do in my own life and have no clue of what others in their responsibilities should do or not do. I can only share my own life experience. 

One Lord, One faith, One baptism.  I believe that and embrace that.  I marvel at the fact we are a world wide Church.  It's amazing to me of how the powers that be are able to keep us all connected.  That fact is a testament to me of the Church's truthfulness.

I love the 11th article of faith.  I think it's wonderful.  We don't find fault with others, so please don't find fault with us.  You can do what you want and please allow us that same privilege regarding worship.

I have found what works for me.  I have found my truth to live by.  I'm content.  I'm at Peace. I feel love for what I have joined and made a choice to support.

With discord raging and actually warring throughout the world, the Gospel means all the more to me, in the peace it affords me.  It's disturbing and disappointing and irritating and embarrassing and somewhat uncomfortable, that members would wage a civil war of sorts, within the Church, petitioning/counseling/marching/pleading etc. the General Authorities to change the Church position on filling their needs.

They say they have a testimony but they don't have a testimony that I do of the line of Authority as was taught to me early on in my joining.  Revelation to change the Church comes from heaven downward and not earthlings upward.

My solution is for discontents to form their own Church and put everything they want in it.  Seriously.  I feel that way.  I shared that with a gay friend and insulted him.

I said... I think the gay movement will really increase and the members will really divide. It will be a mess. joking...if gays feel the Church/leaders are wrong etc., why don't they just form their own LDS Church? build their own Temples? etc. etc. I want peace in my religion. this is not peaceful. seriously...why not? there are discontents with men and women over Priesthood for women and gays wanting to be married in Temple etc. etc. IF the belief is the Church is wrong then why not form a right Church? Why war in the Church I love and accept as is? just create a new LDS Church. what say ye?

He said...
haha is your suggestion that people form their own LDS church really a serious suggestion? or just a lighthearted joke? because if taken seriously i imagine it could be taken quite offensively and hurtfully, something a long the lines of "perhaps you should leave. and if you did, no one would really mind."

I said..I don't understand, really I don't, IF the Church is led by Prophets then why are believers not believing it and petitioning for change? It is what it is.
 I joined the Church enjoying and embracing it as is. I still feel that way and I really don't like arguing and being divisive etc. with discontents. I'm a firm believer in the 11th article of faith. I'm satisfied with the way the Church is and when changes occur I'm fine with that also. I'm not fine with petitioning/counseling/etc. etc. the Church leaders for change.

I'm also fine with people forming their own Church to cover their religious needs.

Mine are covered as is. I would like that for everyone.

love that 11th article of faith.
he said...
  i voice my opinion because I feel it is right to push for equality and i believe it's more in alignment with god's reality and i think it will aid the church in the long run just as changing the racist policies helped the church, but i have absolutely no interest in founding a religion, nor am i holding my breath waiting for it to change. My life goes on in peace either way. i don't even really view myself as particularly religious, more spiritual really. i just have have a strong connection and spiritual feeling about this religion, which is my community. the idea of creating a new community that was not my community completely defeats the purpose. i mean, most of my community wouldn't even be in this "new" church. so what purpose would that serve? it's an absurd idea really, and I know you are only playing with me.
I said...not toying with you as much as you might think!! Older folks are many times known for their absurdities!
a few days later he wrote...of course we are still friends! don't ever worry about that. I have been very emotionally wrapped up in the Palestinian conflict, feel sick about how many people are dying. I was a bit hurt by your statement about leaving and starting another church, but I'm quite certain you do not mean it the way someone like might hear it. I understand completely that it is your way of expressing your frustration with these issues that are dividing people in the church. xxx
At this point I dropped the subject. I wasn't expressing frustration. I was stating a solution that seems far out there but would restore peace at least to me!! IF a person believes in the Church then the Proclamation to the World just sums it all up as to what you need a testimony of. I believe that Proclamation is inspired and true.
Well, didn't know I'd be soapboxing about this but I sure did.


Have been reading about peace. This talk is perfect for the subject. You will be made stronger just by reading it.   

 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught, “Christ and His angels and His prophets forever labor to buoy up our spirits, steady our nerves, calm our hearts, send us forth with renewed strength and resolute hope” (“The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom,” Ensign, Nov. 1996, 83). 
I really enjoyed this one also.  Treat yourself to a double read today and read both talks.  you will be so glad you did!!!....

The use of artificial lures to fool and catch a fish is an example of the way Lucifer often tempts, deceives, and tries to ensnare us.
Like the fly fisherman who knows that trout are driven by hunger, Lucifer knows our “hunger,” or weaknesses, and tempts us with counterfeit lures which, if taken, can cause us to be yanked from the stream of life into his unmerciful influence. And unlike a fly fisherman who catches and releases the fish unharmed back into the water, Lucifer will not voluntarily let go. His goal is to make his victims as miserable as he is. 
M. Russell Ballard, “O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov.2010, 108–10

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