Monday, September 16, 2013


Sunday Bonita returned my two pie tins (actually plates and not tins!).  When her daughter was getting married I asked what I could do and she said she needed some pies.  I sort of wilted inside.  Remember, not to long ago I made that fresh Raspberry pie and that was the first pie crust I'd made in years.  I for some reason just stopped making pies and Terry started making pies.  occasionally.  Or...maybe I stopped because he started?  Doesn't matter.  Just clarifying that I've not made very many in ages.  I did make a couple more fresh berry pies.  Then a couple of banana cream and then a couple of chocolate ones.

So pies are needed for this reception.  specifically homemade.  I opted to volunteer for 2.   Figuring in my heart IF they fail then I'll buy a couple of top of the line frozen pies and apologize.

It reminded me of the time when Toni was the Stake RSP and she casually asked if I could make pies for some event.  I said I would buy the crust and make the filling.  Reassuring her...they are real good.  She quickly gave me a different assignment and went on to bake the pies herself.  I think she made 12!!!

The pecan pie she made was the best ever.  Well, crust was as delish as my old old recipe.  She explained that she had a roommate at BYU, when she was a freshman, and that was the one thing the girl could make.  She taught Toni at 18 and she's been making them ever since.  She can make them fast as an assembly line.  It was inspiring to hear the story.

She wrote out the recipe and before I could blink an eye, Terry had made her crust that had oil in it.  It failed or Terry failed.  no good.  not like Toni's at all!!!

Finally after years, I did the Fresh Raspberry Pie.  Terry couldn't believe how great the crust was.  He seems to have totally forgotten that I used to make pie crust!  I was tired of his tough pie crust.

The 2 chocolate cream wedding pies turned out fine (and I wished I'd braved making 4-6).

All pie crust uses the same sort of ingredients...salt, flour of some sort, a bit of liquid, and some sort of fat.  There are all sorts of difference-- like mixing method, temperature of water, some add vinegar/egg/buttermilk, some chill dough and others don't.  Many different combos!

Whatever the specifics on choice of ingredients etc., the crust is combined, rolled out, put in a pan and baked and filled and enjoyed! (Yummy!!)

Sunday I went to my Ward and then went to 5th Ward.  I thought of pie crust!  Going to 2 Sacraments, back to back, was interesting.  5th Ward had the building with familiar LDS layout-- Sac. table, podium, organ, pews, hymnals etc. etc.   Order of program printed/handed out. Sacrament passed. youth speaker.  family of departing young Missionary-to-be sang.  Young Elder spoke.  and on and on.

The ingredients, the base, are the same everywhere but there is always a slight personalizing in each Ward and RS (where I go on visits).  Always within the guidelines but just their own inspired recipe of uniqueness.  All are just great!!

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