Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 jars of Balm--Vanishes/Banishes Blue-huedness Haze. from Gilead!!

Our daughter was working as Hostess on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship in Florida.  She would fly home to Alaska after her long assigned duty was done.  I know I've shared this before--- about when she asked me if I missed blue sky.  I told her that it was daylight and I'd never thought about the months of grey skies until we moved and I now revel in months of beautiful blue skies.  I love them pure and unmarred.  Just miles of blueness.  Hours and hours of azureness!  A bit of heaven! 

Recently I was asked...Have you ever been depressed or known someone that has been depressed?

My answers...Yes and Yes. 

It's not always easy being an LDS woman (my take).  Self-imposed expectations can easily cloud our vision.  Every LDS woman I've ever known, if we are in a frank and honest heart sharing friendship, will share she has struggled emotionally, in some way, from the palest of blue gauze haze to the blue that looks black as an Alaskan midnight sky.

In the most recent Ensign there is possibly one of the best talks I've ever read on hope.  It's called, appropriately so!, The Healing Balm of Hope.  a tease read...

"We all have a need for life-affirming hope. Here are some strategies for developing this attribute."

Also a real old (my name for it) "depression talk" from years ago, by President Benson. Wonderful!!

The reason these two talks touch my heart, is the fact they give direction/steps on how to help yourself up out of the doldrums, that happen in mortality.  We are not merry every moment of every day and we need to know what we can do to help that oppressive fog lift.  Obviously hopelessness and depression happen or these talks would not have been published much less presented to an LDS audience/congregation!

We all need to have blueprints tucked away, to help us when we can't think clearly, of what we need to do to help ourselves.  Amongst all this marvelous information you will find something to help you out of your plight.  Blue-blurred situations are usually temporary but they feel like they are permanent.  It's wonderful to have a first-aid kit for emotionally care.  These are my two favorites!!

my all time favorite talk about hope is here
my all time favorite talk about depression is here

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