So enjoyed the excellent General RS Broadcast! Since Sister Julie Beck was put in as General RS President, all those years ago, I've felt a great change in the Church spirit-wise. It's like we are being really urged to be Christians and not so much focus on letter of the law. I will always remember the day she said....each Ward has their own DNA. That was the most freeing moment of being RSP for me. I'd been told that I was a square peg in a round hole and suddenly it was just fine to be myself!!! Loved that entire talk she gave.
Now this new General RS Presidency are really focusing on the heart of the matter and I just soak it up and it feels so good. I love we have Handbook 2 to look up the correctness of doing things, so we don't accidentally re-invent the Church policies but I love, even more so, the encouragement to be myself, love myself and to love you, just as you are, in all our Daughter of God splendor.
What a lot of goodness to think about, to ponder over, and to just flat out enjoy being an RS woman.
My life is so blessed!!
and now we get another time for spiritual growth....
The change of the seasons and the nesting instinct, that takes place at this time of year, just seems made to settle in and anticipate the upcoming General Conference. You know I'm just an absolute Conference nut!!
I marvel at the technology that allows me to sit or stand, in my own home, and hear inspired talks!
This is the week to prepare for the upcoming weekend. House needs to be cleaned. Menu decided.
Not going to answer the phone. Comfy clothes. Notepad to remind me of which talks were just for me. The talks that had answers to what I asked for through prayer...Those desires I will take to the Temple this week, seeking direction/personal revelation, I'll listen for those answers.
I believe in all of this. I believe in Prophets. I pray for all that will be speaking that they will be led by the Spirit as to what to say. Can you imagine giving a talk that will be quoted, believed, relied on always??? Your words in cement! chiseled in stone! no editing. no remix. no take-backs. the printed word that will strengthen through all generations!
Now here is a great promise by a Prophet given at October General Conference 113 years ago but I will hold to it and claim it as if it were said yesterday. or even today.
"...if you have any desire to know certain matters that you do not understand, pray that they may say something that shall enlighten your mind in reference to that which troubles you, and we will have a grand and glorious Conference, a better one than we've ever had before...let your hearts rise up to the Lord and exercise faith while our brothers are talking to you. We will not be disappointed, and you will not go home, you will not retire from this Conference, without feeling you have been greatly and abundantly blessed."
--President Lorenzo Snow 1900 Oct. CR
Let's get ready!!! Figure out your children's activities also. There are all sorts of Conference tips online if they are old enough to enjoy them. You will know how much they can tolerate/absorb of hours of talks. How wonderful to be in your own home! Maybe it will be life as usual for the young ones but still make a big deal out of it in some way. Let them feel your excitement and testimony.
The above quote is from the very first lesson in our RS manual this year. read the entire talk again. It's a great way to prepare our hearts!
I am so looking forward to this entire week of preparation!!!