Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's official....

I did not do a blog today!  Again!  Sorry!  I have something very specific I want to talk about and I started and then I got waylaid with family and then Zillah High School drama Department being nominated at the 5th Avenue awards in Seattle and watching what I could on live streaming.  Way to go Zillah!!!  So deserving on their wins!!

I know we need to stand for righteousness...Truth and righteousness...To be a witness.  There are some things that I take a stand on but I am actually only standing for part of a whole...One segment of what is a truth to me and not supporting the other portion of the situation.  Make sense?  Probably not.  But tomorrow it will.  I promise.

I'm concerned about people not looking at the entire picture.  Not thinking through to the end result of throwing their support behind everything, in some last day happenings, when actually do they really feel that way??? 

You know that I'm co-dependent so am I being a fuss-pot?  trying to protect people.  trying to take care of you?  probably so.  BUT....I have a couple of things that are really of concern to me and eating at me. 

So I'm going to share my feelings.  Tomorrow.  Soon you will never believe me when I say that tomorrow word!!!  One more chance?  Please.  Thanks.

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