Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ward Christmas Party

Every year, wherever I've lived and whatever Ward I've been a member of, has a Ward Christmas party.  Confession time....each year I go with the expectation that it will be noisy, crowded, chaotic.  Children running in packs at times.  Food problems of some sort.  Nothing peaceful.  Nothing of Christ.  More of Santa.
Maybe I'm bah-humbugging but I'm just being honest.

This year they were  having Taco's.  Our part was olives (chopped).  I used that gigantic can from my food storage pantry.  and we were also to bring a dessert.  Terry made a batch of his delicious oatmeal cookies to share.  Best oatmeal cookies in the country!!!

Terry didn't feel up to going as his balance was off but encouraged me to go. I went because I have a personal commitment to not be a pick and choose Mormon; I support those that I sustained;  I looked forward to seeing my friends; I wanted to support those responsible for what I was sure would be another disaster in my book.  I was fine to miss the dinner, thinking there might be a shortage of food anyhow, but I for sure wanted to see the Primary program planned by my friend, Crystal.

First of all there weren't as many people as usually attend.  True, the tables were filled but it was missing some it seemed.  Boycotting or just busy?

So it ends up being...tablecloths on tables!  lovely to look at!  The food was delicious.  LOTS of food.  I mean excessive amount of food as some were probably still smarting, from last year, when the tables were bare and the line was still in place with hungry folks!  Oops!!  

You could visit and hear each other.  Yes, you had to speak up a bit but it was calm and nice.

Dinner was over and  Crystal had a Santa narrated program that was so charming and had a great message, sweet children, all about symbols of Christmas, special musical numbers  (Emma!!!  that was gorgeous!!),  and all in attendance got to sing a couple of Christmas hymns also.  It was so great!!!  Best thing ever!!!

One more time....if you go to where you should be, even with a whiny attitude, it always ends up being worth your while and you are blessed!!  Well, at least I am!!!

I was blessed tonight with the joy of the Gospel, the comfort of friendships, feeling the warmth of the Spirit and just enjoying being with others that also love the celebration of Christmas.

What a satisfying event tonight was.  Sigh.


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