Monday, October 29, 2012

re-gifting to the max!

This picture is totally an acting job!!  I fixed up a super bandage for traveling so he wouldn't get that cheek scrape torn open with his head burrowed in blankets and pillows and then he pulled the drama face of agony on me!!  He's ancient before his time...nestled in Grandpa's old recliner and blasting out his ear drums with Gramps TV listening headset!  He's ready for an all day homeward ride.

They headed out super early, in the dark of early hours.  I lightened the picture!  Me the pro, now!
They are looking at a couple of strays in the yard of our neighbor-less house.  Plus petting some!
Here is my favorite birthday guy!  Sunday snoozing after Church and before going back up to see a baptism.  Remember his favorite gifts?....#1 Family surprising him  and #2 Henrietta Hen the egg cooker. 

Today I asked him where my personal gift ranked, as he'd never mentioned it, and maybe he wasn't happy or didn't like or etc. etc.  It fell to #3.  Go figure!  He gifted me with him doing all dishes, everything--washing, drying, putting up etc. etc.--at the first of the year. It was 10 months of a dream gift and I loved it!  He just took over the kitchen! 

His big love package from me?... I freed him of that dream gift and gifted him with my take back and I will do the dishes. 

Least I sound angelic and just precious and compassionate, urging to providing relief to this man with dishpan hands, the truth must be told....I missed my kitchen and I wanted to do it myself.  I just like the idea of hanging towels the way I want, angling the red toaster and the fake red rose just so-so, loading the dishwasher the way I want, scouring the sink, sudsy water wipe downs  etc. etc. 

But wait a it really about "the" sink etc.?  Not really.  In thinking about it, I lay claim to everything in the kitchen being mine.  Am I evilly looking over my kingdom?  No. Ships are referred to as "she/her".  My bitty little kitchen is female and I'm comfy being female so I'll enjoy that sisterhood!! 

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