Thursday, August 16, 2012

Moving ahead.

This is my favorite picture that my daughter took of her friend Robyn for the Cystic Fibrosis calendar a year or so ago.  This shot eventually was featured on a magazine cover.  Stampington's?  Isn't it gorgeous?  can you believe the incredible will of this woman with such debilitating health issues and yet her passion was dance and she was a terrific dancer.  What a wonderful gift to get two new lungs!!  Enjoy the other two beautiful calendar pics also.  (did I tell you that I'm so proud of my daughter and her photography?  I didn't!?  well, I really am!!)


  Below: This is the FOX news clip on Robyn's homecoming.  Does this even allow you to see the clip?  I hope so.  I don't see any arrow to click on for Play.  I'm clueless.  sorry.  I really wanted you to see it.  Maybe you already have. 

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