Thursday, August 23, 2012


I really like little sort of off the wall Church data, not essential to exaltation, but interesting and for some reason I get a charge out of it.  Even serious guidance and direction as found in Handbook 2, that might be little known or discussed, I enjoy reading it!!  For instance.....did you know on page 174 under 20.6  Administering to the Sick 20.6.1 it reads in 4th paragraph....

If a person requests more than one blessing for the same illness, the priesthood holder need not anoint with oil after the first blessing. Instead, he gives a blessing by the laying on of hands and the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Isn't that interesting?

Also  on page 168 under 20. Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings under 20.1, in the last paragraph of that section it reads...

Those who give priesthood blessings speak words of blessing (“I [or we] bless you that …”)
 rather than saying a prayer (“Heavenly Father, please bless this person that …”).

I just love this sort of stuff!!!   How great we can get online and read the entire Handbook! 


Who'd of thunk it???  National TV!!!!  NBC's 'Rock Center' will devote a full hour of prime-time television to Mormonism...Tonight. Thursday the 23rd!!!   I'm curious as to how it will go!

Here I go again on looking at a change in how things are done.  Change doesn't bother me as I think it means growth.  It just brings out a huge amount of curiosity in me wondering about the why, the necessity, the need.  As I said...I really enjoy learning this stuff that in essence doesn't amount to a hill of beans.  A new tithing slip!  Hmmmmm.  Do you see changes that have been made?  Before you read the article!!  No cheating!!!

I like to read and learn about the happenings/the changes in the Church!!!  My own Trivial Pursuit!

LDS Church adopts new tithing slips

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