Monday, January 23, 2012

Pew Place

Sunday I visited the Ward that our Ward was split off of.  It was nice to see some old friends. A year ago we were blessed with our new building and our paths have seldom crossed.

At the Sacrament Meeting I started to sit down, on the side back bench, in the Chapel.  Before I sat down I asked a man if someone regularly sat there. 

He said-- no.  It doesn't matter though.  I like to disrupt those that want the same pew. 
I said-- it does matter to me.

I sat down.  Then the Stake RSP arrived and sat down by me.  She looked over and saw one of her Counselors sitting in the center section and said to me--Let's go over there. She has sat in the same pew for 39 years.

I remembered reading this article earlier ... 

One question on the poll is...
Do you have a family pew?  The answers were...
General area 48%
Specific area 38%
No family pew 14%

As long as I can remember we've sort of landed in the same area in each Ward we've been in.  Habit?  or what?

When we got our new building- most of us were checking out different pew spots for a few weeks, to see about window light, acoustics, podium vision etc.  Then things sort of settled and most of us wound up sitting in the same place each week.

I'm definitely not staking an Alaskan Homestead here and declaring squatters rights but I am used to just popping in and sitting down.  Yes.  In my pew!

Wonder what you think?  I just assumed we all found a niche and for the most part just sat there.  Now, at least from the poll, only 38% feel that way.  It's never been an issue with me as I thought we all liked to sit cozy in our same pew.  At least the same area!  now I'm siding with the 48%!

The most important thing in the world is to just sit down, somewhere and enjoy being together in Sunday worship. 

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