Friday, January 13, 2012


You and I have great faith in Jesus Christ. We believe He is indeed the Son of God and He is our help in our times of trouble. 

One of my favorite stories, that is such a strength to me, is in Matt. 14:22-31. This is the story of after feeding the 5 thousand, Jesus sent his disciples in a ship to to go to the other side and He went alone to pray. The weather kicked in and waves started tossing the boat and the hour got late. Somewhere between 3 and 6 in the morning, Jesus started walking, on the water, toward the boat. The disciples were afraid and thought He was a Spirit. Jesus spoke and reassured them that it was Him and to not be afraid. 

Peter was excited and wanted to walk on the water also and Christ said...Come. Peter got off of the ship and started walking and then he sank. 

Now a lot of people say he lost faith but if you read the scripture it doesn't say that at all. It says...But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink. At this moment he cried, saying...Lord, save me. the scriptures say that ...immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him... So when Peter took his eyes off of the Savior, lost his focus and started looking at the rough water caused by a wild wind, he sank but as soon as he looked to Christ, as he was sinking and simply said...Lord, save me...The Lord immediately reached out with his hand and caught hold of him. 

When the storms have raged around me in my life, when there are boisterous winds, rough waters, and I'm sinking, I have found that in my mind's eye I recall this story. Because I know it is true, I know that power is still there. 

When I start to look around and start to sink, I inwardly refocus and look to Christ and say...Lord, save me. He always does. At the worst moments in my life He has saved me from falling completely apart and I'm thankful for that. 

I center myself and stop looking at all the stuff going on around me, all the boisterous things that stir up my life and I fix my gaze on the Lord. I will myself to look to Christ and He is there for me and He is there for you. 

You have great faith and that will get you through this horrendous storm with side winds etc. all over the place. I know you are wonderful and loved by heavenly beings and that includes Christ.

You will make it through this calamitous time.
the above was written to a precious friend that was struggling.  I remember now writing before a blog similar about Peter. (see below)  I really and truly draw tremendous strength from Peter's experience.  I use it a lot in my life!!  I'm no storm chaser for sure!!

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