Thursday, May 12, 2011

Should I do a blog?

How fun these first few days have been- to hear from so many of you, from Alaska to North Carolina, and points inbetween plus friends right here Washington.  The encouragement in my email has been terrific!  Thanks so much!! 

You may be wondering like I was when I started ....what in the world does blog mean?  how do you write a blog?  Actually the answer to both is pretty simple.  I think it's simple because I can understand it!  The web, the world wide web, the www., is the way of transporting all the data from my computer into cyberspace.  The log, is what you write, be it- a family journal, recipes, personal journal, travel journal or whatever you keep a log of, a recorded written record. A log.  so it looks like this...
                                                                           web log

I am going to now attempt to do my very own blog! 
What about?-- 
-My life in the Gospel and the Gospel in my life. 
-My life happenings in my favorite Washington Ward in the world  (it is tied for #1 spot with the previous Alaskan Ward I was in, for winning over my heart.) 
-The people in my wonderful Ward & how I learn from them as we strive to be united. 
-My mortal quest to do better/be better and my striving to daily live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
-Just what ever rolls my socks up on any given day!
-Actually, factually...this is so new to me that I'm clueless as to how this will go on topics!!  
-Let the party begin!!

Hopefully things will just unfold as I share my struggles/triumphs in my personal life and most of all the love I have of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  As a convert of long time standing, I continue to be amazed at what The Church offers me and the blessings I receive.  I keep learning and I'd like to share my feelings about some of those things.

I have always had the desire to visit about the Gospel and this seems to be the best way to do it.  I was motivated by a couple of encouraging friends and then the really big permit-slip/encouraging challenge/invitation came from Elder Ballard in 2007-08. and then in the recent, April 2011 General Conference, Elder Uchtdorf mentioned blogs also.  
So I'm off on a new adventure!  I'm going to do a blog!  I'm going to talk about the Gospel and share my heart and my life in my endeavoring to live the teachings of Jesus Christ.  I hope you will too!  I'm excited! 

                        Introductory week of A Candlestick....
Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means

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