Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Dilemma

Reader's Digest condensed version of a rather long saga.....

A family member, in a distant State, works in a furniture making store and had an accident. They took him to the clinic and his Dr. told him that it appeared there was a problem beyond the initial accident and it indicated cancer to him. Arrangements were made that after some healing, they would run further tests. He was administered to and told that he did not have cancer. Everyone involved felt at peace about the blessing and the counsel. The allowed healing time went by, he returned to the Dr. and the Dr. was insistent that he have further tests as he felt it still looked like cancer just from the preliminary examination.

James 5:
14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
15And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

So what do you do in what feels like a dilemma?-- go on faith with the blessing and your feelings that everything is okay? or do you have the further test, a biopsy, that could end up in immediate surgery, if the cancer is there? although we all felt the Dr. would be proven in error in his testing...the test was done. I personally don't see anything at all wrong in doing things that way. I don't feel it is lack of faith. I feel it confirms my faith, when a medical person confirms that the blessing proved true, when they are insistent a test be done. End result?.... As stated in the blessing he has no cancer.

The day I went to the Temple I sought a peaceful confirmation that things would be okay and I had that peace in abundance. With feelings of peace and calm though, I am not always certain of the exact outcome, but I do know from that feeling, the Lord is aware and whatever happens will be His will and we can be helped through whatever our plight is.

A post like this could end up with pointing fingers and all sorts of scolding-like comments, from both sides, on how this was handled. The wonderful thing is...there are as many ways to live the truth of the Gospel as there are people. This was what worked for us. Now that might be contrary to how you would handle it but that doesn't mean your way is right for us and vice versa.  Actually we might not even handle all of our life situations as we did this time.  If we all agree to fore go throwing sand at each other and choose to scatter a particle of the 11th Article of Faith around... I believe we can all learn from each other as we face our individual dilemmas. 

                                                 Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means

Introductory week of A Candlestick....

Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-THE Biggest challenge of my Church Membership is.....?

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