Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blessed by Going to Temple

I was frazzled, overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted. To much going on for to long a time. Chaos, messiness, unfinished home carpentry kitchen project. Where to turn? In the midst of all this confusion, the one thing I longed for was to go to the Temple but it kept being pushed to the back. It's only an hour away and yet I was waiting to clear yet more clutter by emptying boxes. Trying to deal with what needed to be dealt with on painting the trim, hanging a door, putting up ceiling tiles etc.! An endless list it seemed! Do all wannabe DIY folks create mounds of clutter? Hubby said to not feel guilty as we'd go as soon as possible but we were sort of trapped in a mess of our own making. (Stuff had expanded and was spread all over the interior and exterior of house.) I told him I wasn't feeling guilty but sad. I missed being in the Temple, that special feeling and blessings that always come in one form or another. Then he said...let's go on Thursday... that is exactly what we did! it was wonderful! I love the blessings of a Temple session!

We chose the first session of the afternoon which we'd never done before. It was so quiet at 3:45pm. I went seeking some peace, faith for a loved one's health and wondering if I should really do a blog. I arrived wound up tighter than an 8-day clock and left totally relaxed. Ready to re-enter my personal life and better able to handle it and have a clearer perspective on priorities.

I love the feeling of a frigid icy day when the house needs a bit of a boost to be really comfy. Nothing beats building a fire and putting on some logs and letting that heat just permeate the room and you! It heats me to the marrow of my bones. It is the most comfortable and relaxing and peaceful feeling ever! That was the feeling I had in the Temple. A warmth that was soul encompassing and just made me want to fall asleep. It was that relaxing. (actually I must have closed my eyes for a minute as the sister next to me, gently nudged me.) In the Celestial room I felt filled with peace and the warmth just lingered in it's lovely softness. The sun filled the room and the huge chandelier and the smaller matching wall sconces seemed afire. The hymn...The Spirit of God like a Fire is Burning....popped into my mind. I also thought of Oliver Cowdery's experience in Section 6 of the Doctrine and Covenants, especially in verse 23, which reads in part -Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?

Early this morning, our house was cold (by choice. we like a cold house to sleep in) and we could hear the droning wind machines laboring to protect orchards, indicative of the frigid weather outside. In my mind, the comforting warmth and the reassuring peace from yesterday, still hovers and I'm thankful. I feel it still.

I know I can take my life challenges/questions to the Temple, be they big or small, and blessings at some point will arrive. Those blessings, those answers, that guidance-- in the Lords due time, will come to me.

Is big to me, small to the Lord? Is it appropriate to ask about something, as seemingly unimportant as doing a blog? To actually seek and expect an answer to my prayer from going to the Temple? Is that an absolutely ridiculous request, with all the tragedy in the world and in others personal lives, to even voice such a thing? Will sharing my honest feelings like this, get me lambasted in some spiteful comment? I've heard about those mean people!! Some future week...I will give my take on this subject! And I'd love your take on it also! Oh, yes...I do totally understand the uniting purpose of the Temple through all the ordinance work that is being done. I am thankful, as a proxy, that I can help someone that is beyond the veil but I also know that I can receive help for me right here on earth.

I have several favorite quotes about blessings from attending Temples and here is the one that was on my mind this time....

A temple is a retreat from the vicissitudes of life,
a place of prayer & meditation
providing an opportunity to receive
inner peace, inspiration,guidance,
and frequently, solutions to the
problems that vex our daily lives.
-- Franklin D. Richards

Monday- Why the name?....A Candlestick
Tuesday--Blessed by Going to the Temple
Wednesday--A Dilemma
Thursday--Should I do a Blog?
Friday--Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means
Monday- -MoMMnWhy the na
Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick

Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do
Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Meansme?...A Candlestick

Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the
Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means

 Spirit Through Simple Means

Monday- -Why the name?...A Candlestick
Tuesday- Blessed by Going to Temple
Wednesday-A Dilemma
Thursday-Should I do a blog?
Friday-Inviting the Spirit Through Simple Means


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