Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Passing Thought

Well, just when I was thinking...yikes!  did I really put my creed out there?  Terry was right!  Who does that?  Then Chelle sent a note and I took fresh courage!  This blog isn't about anything except my thoughts, feelings, challenges, and life in general.  My creed, that I love by the way!, are little reminders to me of what works for me in dealing with life's situations.  How I want to handle them.  Things to remind me that I want to grow and develop in all areas of my life.

A new year!  Isn't this when we all evaluate and renew anew for the new year?  My creed has nothing to do with my goals.  Now my goals, some I've had on my list for so long that I can easily say ditto 1, ditto 2 etc.  etc.  One goal I really want to accomplish is listening to the Spirit and then actually doing what I feel prompted to do.  Each time.  I'm usually working on this so it's not the first time around but I'm really wanting to focus in 2012 on carrying things out.  I want the enhanced HD experience of hearing and doing as prompted by the Holy Ghost.  Listening and following subtle prompts will lead to greater direction.  of that I'm sure.

So we go into Cascade Eye Care to get Terry glasses (yes, he had cataract surgery and yes, he still needs glasses and yes, that is not what he wanted.  At all.)  He forgets his hearing aids so I'm his ears.  The lady asks me to go over to a podium and sign in.  His name is 3rd on the list of 20 lines.  We sit in the waiting room.  Talking.  And then we start reading.

The clear soft thought pops into my mind...they crossed his name off the list. 
I ignore it and keep on reading.
then it starts to bother me and I tell Terry...I think they crossed your name off the list.
He- They said they'd call my name. They'll call.

It's a large office with lots of people and workers scurrying all over.  Of course they'll call him!  Silly me.  Back to reading.  I can't shake the thought that they have crossed his name off the list already.

Me- I really think they crossed your name off the list.  I'm going to check.
He smiles at me and sort of nods his head like...I don't think so.

A worker stands at the podium and I look at the list, with a hot pink marker line drawn through Terry's name, and ask quietly ask- what does that mean?  She explains the ones marked out are the patients we've seen.  I point to #3 on the list and then point to Terry and tell her that he's still waiting.

She says ...Oh! Terry we will see you now. 

Terry asks me, in passing-  What happened?
Me- They had crossed your name off the list.
We look at each other.  He smiles and nods his head like... That beats all doesn't it?

I'm thinking to myself.  I've got to pickup quicker on this sort of thing.  If something isn't illegal or immoral or won't bring harm to anyone, including me, then I need to stop fiddling around and get up and take action.  Move.  Do.  Thoughts unbidden that seem out of left field, quiet and soft but definite and clear, need me to stop second guessing and just take action.  I sat there while names #1-15 got crossed off!  Vacillating...shall I check? or shall I not check?  Telling Terry.  Then Asking Terry...shall I go see if your name is crossed off?  Yes?  No?

The reminder thought came to me as this has happened before.  When something comes to me then I don't really need to take a poll of everyone in the room or in range of my voice or even speak softly to Terry about it.  I need to go and do.  Get up and go.  Move.  Not question.  Heed.  Hearken.

This was not a life and death situation.  This was something that would have saved us a lot of time and would have been lovely to just quickly go in, get the frames picked etc., and leave.  It was a nicety type of a gift.  a thoughtful gift.  yes, I do consider it a gift.  Not necessary by any means but just a loving gesture that I toyed with.

A few days later, I was working on an assignment from the Stake RSP.  Secretarial things like....take 9 Ward conferences, held in 5 buildings, find out when their Ward Conferences are, find out what time their SS and RS are, and then figure out a schedule to visit each one along with sandwiching a monthly Stake RSP meeting in each month from Jan.-Mar. at these visits, and figure out which ones we will also go to Sac. meeting AND make it on any Sunday except their Ward Conf. Sunday. oh, and remember lunch.  I blanched.  Yikes!

Then the Stake RSP took pity on me and gave me what the previous Sec. had done last year.  A little difficult to follow but I plugged away at it and finally came up with the first draft for the Stake RSP.  Oh, I forgot to mention one little thing very early on in my puzzling over all these times etc.  A very quiet, clear sentence ran through my head....You better check the meeting times.   Did I listen?  Well, yes, I sure did.  I heard it distinctly.  Did I check the meeting times?  NO!  I reasoned in my little spacey airhead...there are plenty of buildings now so probably no one changes times.  Things are fine.  It's okay.

Were things okay?  NO!  I had to redo the entire thing!!  The Stake RSP sent me a list, a fine line detailed list of all the High Council Ward assignments and told me to check over that for the new meeting times.  I gasped at the task.  Later I went to work on it again.  But second time around when I was pondering the task and heading back to the attachment, I very distinctly heard in a very soft quiet way...read to the end.  The end?  wasn't I on the last page?  checking it over very carefully I discovered there were 9 pages and on the 9th page, seemingly unrelated,  was every bit of info I needed in a lovely chart with Ward name, Building used and times listed for Sac., SS, RS.   Ah, bliss.

When I was baptized I was given the most wonderful gift in the world.  The Gift of the Holy Ghost.  I really want His presence more in my life.  I want more personal revelation.  I want to be led more by the Spirit.  I want to experience that gift to the fullest.  Well, it looks like the evidence shows that I have quite a ways to go but I'm making great effort to listen and act on the whisperings of that still small voice.

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