Do you ever long for a priesthood blessing but don't ask? speak up and request it. you won't regret it. also it will help the priesthood holder to develop that ability. Men have to learn to use that power and how to listen and quiet their own thoughts and be used as a vehicle to pronounce that blessing. a blessing just for you.
Do you study your patriarchal blessing? Do you long to receive the mentioned blessings? I certainly do.
These two types of blessings are personal and just remind us that we are truly God's daughter and He loves us and cares for us and about us.
Buoy yourself when you read below. You will feel better just by reading of the power and promises. If you are down or just need a boost then these paragraphs will lift you up.
STRENGTH DURING STRUGGLES by Elder Lionel Kendrick here
Remember priesthood blessings. When we are struggling, we may seek a priesthood blessing. For the blessing to be effective, we must be humble and teachable. We must be willing to submit our will to the will of the Lord as spoken to us in the blessing. This blessing can be a great source of counsel from the Lord. Our minds can be enlightened and our knowledge and understanding quickened. Our vision can be expanded. He has given a powerful promise concerning that which will be spoken by the priesthood holder who is giving the blessing: “And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost … shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God” (D&C 68:4).
We must have full faith and complete confidence in the counsel we receive. We must have the courage to follow it. If we do so, we will receive added power to succeed in our struggles.
A priesthood blessing should be a great source of comfort to us and can bring feelings of peace, hope, and love. Our confidence can be restored as a result of the blessing. Our mind and body can become invigorated. Our spirit can be renewed, and we can feel a divine determination to deal with our difficulties. We can feel the presence of the Lord and the companionship of the Spirit.
Ponder our patriarchal blessings. Our patriarchal blessings are another source of increased strength during our struggles. President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) gave great insight into one of the purposes of our patriarchal blessings.
He said of the Savior: “He knows in advance every strategy the enemy will use against you. … He knows your weaknesses and He knows your strengths. By personal revelation you may discover some of your strengths through a careful and prayerful study of your patriarchal blessing” (The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson [1988], 214).
President James E. Faust, while serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, taught the principle of power in patriarchal blessings: “God knows our spirits; he knows our strengths and weaknesses. He knows our capabilities and our potential. Our patriarchal blessings indicate what the Lord expects of us and what our potential is. Our blessings can encourage us when we are discouraged, strengthen us when we are fearful, comfort us when we sorrow, give us courage when we are filled with anxiety, lift us up when we are weak in spirit” (“Patriarchal Blessings,” New Era, Nov. 1982, 6)
More on this topic: See Dallin H. Oaks, “Adversity,”Ensign, July 1998, 6–12; Richard G. Scott, “Trust in the Lord,”Ensign, Nov. 1995, 16–18; Ronald E. Poelman, “Adversity and the Divine Purpose of Mortality,”Ensign, May 1989, 23–25.
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