Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turkey-less Thanksgiving!

Happy day before Thanksgiving!  Are you ready?

I thought of those of you with young families last night.  I was leafing through a magazine. An ad for matching pajamas for the entire family including cats and dogs!  25 sets to choose from!  If I was at that stage of my life, I'd look into that and do that each year.  I think Emma does matching PJ's on her kiddos.  Anyhow, here is where you can look  or 1-800-566-6005  Haven't gone there to look.  Just saved ad to share with you.  Maybe it costs a fortune and it would be better to give the $$$ to the Union Gospel Mission in Union Gap?  I'm sure you seamstresses could whip up pajama bottoms with a t-shirt.  a fun tradition for Christmas morning.

So here I am always plugging tradition and this year we are breaking with our traditional tradition on this very Thanksgiving!!  Gasp!!  Is that totally un-American???  I don't think so but I'll let you know later if it was lacking the feeling of gratitude/thankfulness/memories of past family meals.

Every day my sister calls me and talks about her menu.  She has two daughters in Eagle and 2 in Utah.  One daughter is coming from Utah + the two locals, so she will have a crowd and they won't all be at one place.  Every day she asks me what I'm serving etc. on the big day.  For us, our family will be 3 people.  Terry and I and our oldest son.

So...I made the menu as always, with the traditional foods (to our family).  The list ended up with 14 items!!  Each one was a full dish...oyster loaf (like my Dad made) and cranberry salad (like my Mother made) and Corn Pudding Casserole (which I've made for last few years).  and pie with real whipped cream and dressing and on and on. 

Hubby and I were visiting about what needed to be done to be ready and we actually went from the super size oven roasted Turkey with all of the trimmings to deciding, IF our son agreed, to go out to dinner!!  For Terry, any change in any established thing, is way outside of his comfort zone.  Especially traditions!  It's almost not even open for discussion.  It's set in stone.  Cemented in place But...this year?--the shattering of something near and dear--our Thanksgiving dinner.

The times, they are a-changin'!!

I called our son and found he was stressing over all that was going to be done, and all the leftovers, and what this would do to health program that he starts in a couple of days , and he was happy and relieved at the thought of going out to eat.

Not even Turkey!!  We are going to Famous Dave's!!  Ribs!!

We will munch and reminisce about our past gatherings and feasts we enjoyed, be happy that not one person in our family is alone, and that all will celebrate and be happy and think of us being happy also!

Also the Macy's Parade is on NBC in the morning and on the BYU station, won't they be singing Messiah at some point!!??   I hope so!  Terry and I will get out our scores and sing along!!  ( sincere but howl-like to most ears!  We love it!)

You do know I'm thankful for you, don't you?  I hope so!!!  'Cause you are!

Don't you love this Norman Rockwell print?  Simplicity.  War time. Gratitude. No lengthy menu!

1943  Freedom from Want

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