Monday, November 3, 2014

Pictures evoke feelings...

Sunday night we had a special time with a former Seminary student of mine and his little family.  We love this family.  My friend, MaryLynne, the one I asked you to remember her in your fast?...this is her son, and family.  As usual...not photo shopped!  I could not figure out this new system we have to email these pictures to her so decided to blog them for her to see, while she undergoes treatment.

17 years ago Justin was in my Seminary class. When I was going through my sort and throw phase (which I never completed.  yet.) I found a stack of envelopes.  They were from 1997 and each student was asked to tell how they felt about Christ and the Gospel.  I had Justin's envelope, sealed by him, stowed away and never peeked at by anyone from then until now.  He opened it while he was here and it made me so happy....  he declared a firm written testimony and I thought it was amazing that he'd stayed true to that fact all those years.  We'd studied the last week of Christ's life and it had been a powerful week and that was how the week ended with them writing how they felt.  I have a stack of 21 to give out!  I was planning on giving them out 4 years after that class but of course did not.  I will mail these to them.  Maybe it will touch the hearts of a couple that have strayed.

To late to say.... better late than never????


 Celise is a young Mother Earth...keeper of all things living, grower of things you'd envy, goatherd, beekeeper and lover of being a Mommy.  This picture below, of her with Rowan, just melted my heart.  I absolutely love the dedication/devotion of Mothers.  Can't you just feel the tenderness and the love and care of this little guy?  It touched me on a new level.

You know I've been sorting pictures (like crazy) and a couple of days ago my heart just melted when I found 6 pictures of me, as a baby, being held by adults that loved me.  I could feel the love and it made me teary.  I always think of baby pictures featuring the baby solo.  I never realized the power of seeing a young baby held by an adult.  Especially relatives.  This picture will be a treasure for Rowen someday.  (Do you have pictures of you holding your little ones when they are very young?  I hope so.

Celise and Rowen

Mother holding me.
Holding me...Aunt Bonnie Ransdell/Grandma Ransdell/Daddy/Grandmother Clark/Da-Daw Ransdell/Mother

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