Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In the World

I had something else in mind to write but honestly when I saw this story on my Tuesday Charter national news, coupled with the memory of the women wanting to be ordained to the Priesthood, that took a stand on Saturday and also made the national news, it was so sad to me- that I find myself just thinking of these women.  I know there are always militant strident women in any cause but this sister just looks so sweet, gentle, sincere.  I'm sure she is all of that. When I watched her short video and heard about and saw her son, my heart just ached for her.  and for others that are in similar situations.
Wendy Montgomery poses for a photograph Friday, Sept. 13, 2013, in Salt Lake City. Montgomery is leading a growing movement among Mormons to push The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to teach that homosexuality isn’t a sin. They are hopeful. The Utah-based church’s stance on homosexuality has softened considerably since it was one of the leading forces behind California’s Proposition 8.


Admittedly, the Church has not handled some things in the best way and that was alluded to in Conference.  The governing humans in the Church are just exactly that...humans.  imperfect humans.  But the doctrine has been in place since biblical times of Priesthood being conferred on Males only.  and also...sexual deviancy including acting on homosexual feelings is not acceptable behavior and that act is labeled as sin.  Not originating with Church authorities but anciently rooted in condemnation in the Bible. 

Some will feel this is not a big deal, and it's unnecessary for me to be concerned about these two issues--1)women desiring to be ordained to Priesthood and 2) Homosexuals wanting total acceptance in the same light as men/women marriages etc..  I feel perhaps it isn't big right now but it's now been brought out into the public, members believing they are right and the Church is wrong.  It will grow in press coverage, and wanting to be involved or not, at some point we will be asked our opinion.  

I remember President David O. McKay speaking and saying that the Church could handle persecution from without, as we would be made stronger and ban together.  Our downfall would come from strife/disunity within.

That is why I feel we each need to figure out - just exactly where we stand individually in a collective body of saints - that bear testimony that this is the restored Church, that anciently existed and is back.  Back for the last time.  Have we read what the Church stand is on these two issues?  Do we agree?  Just listen to last weekends Conference and it's there for you to hear, if you don't want to look elsewhere.

issues like these divide us as members, if we aren't careful.  They also put us on the road of finding fault with local/general leaders, and authorities say that is the first step to personal Apostasy.

This is a sad situation, no matter which way you look at it.  Remember, when the only goal the disgruntled women had, was to wear slacks to Sunday meetings?  That was the beginning of gathering followers.   They are moving ahead.  I'm not on board.  I will watch with interest and feel saddened at disciplinary repercussions, that in time will surely come, to those that insistently persist for doctrinal changes.  

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