Monday, October 28, 2013

A Milestone....

Things are busy here with Stake Women's Conference rushing full steam ahead and feeling like it's coming right at me!  In the midst of last minute details on the WC though aday to celebrate/commemorate a happening in our family!

My hubby turned 75!!  How does that happen?  Who ever thinks they will be married to someone that is 3/4 of a century old????  Is 75 old?  It sort of depends on what any particular day has in it and the answer always varies.  A few days before the 75th...he was feeling old.  A few days afterwards and he's feeling greatGreat meaning he's not exhausted, pain level is almost invisible, and he feels somewhat ready to conquer the worldWorld meaning some exercise, some chores and dishes.  Energy to actually plan some things he wants to get organize the entire garage, put the porch furniture away.

Actually the last two days he's hit a new high on energy and he is enjoying it and hopes for more.  He's always researching on line for herbs/potions to help him.  help him?  the magic elixir?  the fountain of youth?  He tries different things to find what works for him.  Maybe he has hit paydirt?  for him.

Dishes!  I Love his therapy!!  Okay, maybe he could stop but why chance it?
Book of Mormon time.  Love it- something special about a fellow reading his Scriptures daily.
Let's face it!  He is adorable!  Darling at 75!  Ready for Church!
It's all summed up in this scripture....

The glory of young men is their strength:  
and the beauty of old men is the gray head.
--Pro. 20:29


Aging is very interesting.  Your body does things without permission or won't do things it's expected to do!  The warranty on skin starts to expire and begins to shrivel/wrinkle/roadmap.  Planning a lot for the day and not accomplishing the entire list.  Maybe forgetting where the list is.  Your memory dims, you repeat stories, and vision fades as does your hearing.  Aches and pains abound.  Impatience increases as does frustration. accept you are in a new stage of life and that is a good thing.

Things are more peaceful and calm and you appreciate everyone and everything more.  No matter your own condition you express appreciation/gratitude that you are dealing with your own health/aging challenges and what other poor souls have on their plate is so much harder than anything on yours.

And yes...old dogs can learn new tricks.  Well, at least try new things.  Since Terry was a late teen every single birthday I have baked a Cocoalight Cake with cooked frosting.  This year, his jubilee year, he announced...I would like a chocolate pie. Admittedly, I was caught off guard as he does not easily embrace change.  But bake it I did plus cooked the dinner of his choice (ribs) and had the most wonderful time with our oldest son eating with us.

I do not have one single dinner picture.  I have this new little camera and obviously I didn't work it right the entire time.  Things looked so nice and he appreciated it.

There were all sorts of love greetings that crossed the phone lines, FB and email.  Just a feel good day all around!

Terry and I talked...75 years is only 25 years away from 100!!!  Math skills are still sharp!

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