Monday, February 18, 2013

Sweet Comfort

Seems our life has sort of leveled out to our new norm.  Probably be involved with PT/OT therapy each morning M-F, either as outpatient or here at home.  noon lunch.  a snooze. and on with the day, looks to be our plan! 

He continues to just be doing marvelous and that makes us both happy as clams (how happy is that???!!)  The stroke situation is moving right along on track for that life train of experience.

The challenge right now is to figure out how to find something to help with his neuralgia.  So we will get to work on that.  Question in my mind....if you try acupuncture and you are on blood thinner, would that be an  Uh-oh...Oopsie....Sorry situation?   With little blood gushers in every needle poke hole?  A bit more thought needed before trying that as a possible remedyWe'd already been cautioned to watch for little cuts etc.

In the midst of regrouping this last week, I've thought a lot about  things that helped me cope with this situation, of dealing with the shock of being awakened, from a sound sleep, with a bright blinding bedside lamp turned on and hearing....I think I'm having a stroke. Now if that won't wake you with a start then I don't know what will.  Truly I don't!


I have been fascinated with Section 25 of the D&C since I first read it.  It's to Emma Smith.  A part of her charge (vs 11) was.... to make a selection of sacred hymns, as it shall be given thee, which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church. 

(vs12) For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.

I was interested in this scripture about the power, residing in the singing, of those specifically selected Hymns.  Through the singing of those pleasing selections a person could bring blessings upon their heads! 

In 1985, 150 years from the printing of that first Hymnal mentioned in Sec. 25, the Church published a revised book.  We were in AK, and our son and his wife were earning money for college and living with us.  Lorrie plays the piano.  When the new hymnbooks arrived, she and I spent literally hours comparing all the hymns, seeing what was left out etc.  She then played all of the new hymns and also the changes in the old hymns.  It was wonderful.

The First Presidency wrote a preface and mentioned the worth/power of music in our Church Meetings, in Our Homes plus Our Personal Lives First Presidency Preface

What a source of available power to help us on our mortal trek!  I came to view the Hymnal as a group of prayer cards and decided to memorize as many as I could.  I felt if I memorized, I wouldn't be concerned about hitting the right notes but more concerned about the message.  My life has been so blessed by that decision.  I know lots of them and I actually believe that most people know lots of them without having even tried to memorize them.  Just like recipes, Wards seem to sort of sing the same hymns over and over.  and over and over.  and over and over.  You know what I mean!  For me when I sing from my heart then I really get the message.  I don't read music so I'm not bothered by how everything sounds as far as pitch.  I can follow an alto sitting next to me, otherwise I'm sort of rewriting the tune when left to my own warbling.

The personal blessing in my life, from hymns, is the fact that they will pop into my mind when I need to hear some direction, comfort or counsel.  When hard/harsh/challenging events enter our lives we don't usually have the peace of mind, or maybe even time, to calmly sit down in a quiet spot to study/ponder/research, as maybe we are in fast action mode with our own battle of coping/making decisions quickly.  It's all fast action but... if I have my Hymn bucket full of memorized hymns then the Spirit has access to all of those individual drops of music notes and phrases, and what I've put in, can easily be brought to my attention and can guide me and comfort me when I can't quite wrap my mind around the happenings as I'm not calm enough.  I can be calmed by a phrase.  then the hymn comes to my mind and I can sing/hum or run lyrics through my mind.  I LOVE this source of receiving blessings.   Multiple times it happened during this stroke episode.

Psalm- n. A sacred song.
Psalms- A book of the OT consisting of Psalms
Hymn-  Songs of praise to God
Hymn Book or Hymnal- a book of Hymns

We know about the Book of Psalms in the OT.  And how at the Last Supper, before Gethsemane ...they had sung an hymn... (Matt 26:30) We know about Joseph Smith requesting the many verses Hymn A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, be sung several times while he was jailed just before his martyrdom.  We've read stories about the Pioneers and their plight and singing Hymns to rally and renew their hope and faith and comfort and inspire themselves.  Elder Packer pointed out the power of Hymns with the promise of memorizing one and calling it forth when your thoughts aren't what you want them to be.

Hymns are a bottomless well of pure water.  Refreshing me with  personal strength, hope, peace, comfort, direction plus letting me know with that revelation, just popping into my mind, that the Lord is aware of me.  Of us.  Of our challenge.  All of us.  Terry and I and each of you.  Just makes me teary to think of the goodness of the Lord.

Whatever mortal battle we are dealing with, we have many sources of help to walk on our own balance beams.  Hymns are a main one in my life if I'm at a crisis.

This time around in life, in this favorite scripture of mine, is what Hymns have meant to me since the early morning of January 21, 2013.  Stroke day.

 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Ps46:1)

This week I will indulge myself and count my Hymn blessings. Well, at least some of them!!! I'll start posting tomorrow!!! 

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