Monday, February 4, 2013


Terry can't believe how weak he is overall but on the hand he can't believe how strong he is overall!! He just keeps progressing. I'll be back to regular blogging after this copy of my.... (note to children) Hi dear ones...a quiet Sunday for us. We opted to stay home as Dad was to weak. We will get sure footing (no pun intended but a good one!) and then proceed. Today he enjoyed doing every single thing for his shower. Had a good night's sleep. Headache came but he was able to get on top of it and that was good. Tomorrow morning after we are up and at 'em, we will head over to Yakima to the Outpatient rehab center and see what they have planned as far as how many times a week and how many sessions before he's used up all his bus tokens! That will determine scheduling our life. This morning he said again...I feel stronger than yesterday. It's an amazing beautiful event. We are strengthened by your love and prayers. Thanks ever so much! Here is an absolutely adorable picture of your Father! I told him to look like a king so this is his take on a Royal pose!! The Viking King!!! Your parents love each of you! Oh, Bryce has a birthday on the 5th! Happy Birthday, Bryce!! Mom (I don't know why it won't show the picture. sorry. I'll try again.)

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