Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Sunday.  Fast Sunday.  His first Sunday home after rehab stay.  We both really wanted to go to Church and share our gratitude for so many blessings.  He was to weak to go and neither of us are impressed with ourselves, if we try and pull stunts of attendance to impress others, with our seemingly faithfulness of never missing Church.  So we opted to stay home and go when his strength allows.  He is stronger every single day!  Can't even believe it and I see it happening right before my eyes!!  Amazing!

We might have tended to monopolize the meeting as our blessings have been so great!

Blessings.  Oh, the beauty of blessings!  I know that I've blogged before about Priesthood blessings and how I am a firm believer in them.  I didn't label these posts good enough to find the one I did earlier but suffice it to say,  as a former Baptist believing that the heavens are closed and ministers are God's representatives and Priesthood is not a word that was in my vocabulary and I had no idea about James or how that worked that I now rejoice in what I know to be true.

Terry and I have grown in our faith and understanding of receiving these blessings and he, has grown in faith and understanding in giving these blessings.  He has given many blessings over the years to his family.  I have been the blessed recipient of many, many blessings.

He had learned about blessing the sick and then, I know I've shared this before.... I went to a wedding in the Oakland Temple, the officiator asked if the men in the room had given their wives blessings and they all raised their hands.  Then he said, he didn't mean when they were sick, but just for everyday living, for comfort and encouragement, when they are having a tough time with daily life.  Not one man could raise his hand.  He then challenged them to use their Priesthood for blessing the lives of their wives.  Often.  And that is what Terry has done.

I've learned the sweetness of comfort and direction and answers and peace that has come to me through that inspiration.

If you lined up all the men in the world that hold the Priesthood and asked who would I want to give me a blessing...it would be my Terry.  My next choice would be my son, Greg.  And 3rd would be my grandson, Lance.  Why?  because they use their portion of the Priesthood and they know how to let the words flow.  They know, as Terry has taught them...Be bold.  Don't hold the Spirit back.

I've been told, and I believe, when a blessing is given that it's as if Heavenly hands are on the Priesthood holder's head and that power travels through those clean hands into the recipient and the words come forth from that pure heart.  It's  not a prayer.  It's not asking.  It's a declaration.  It's stating what the Lord want us to know...to do....to have...to expect.  We are comforted, buoyed and inspired by those words.

When push comes to shove and I feel in dire straights, I want someone that understands that Priesthood power and his ability to deliver a message via that blessing-- be it courage,comfort or healing.  If we have a HT that loves and cares for us and I have confidence in, then I'm fine with them helping to assist Terry if I need a blessing of administration.  True they have the power and the Lord will use them all the time but in really serious situations, my faith is made stronger with a man that feels as we do, about the use of that power.

Unable to reach our HT, and at Terry's request, I called our friend Bob at 6:30am, asking him to come to the hospital.  We are on the same page as far as Priesthood blessings go.  He did what we knew he'd do...try to call the HP leader or find someone else to assist him, don his white shirt and tie, grab his oil and arrive in short order.

Two honorable men arrived.  Both named Bob.  Terry and I both listened very closely to what was said blessing wise and one word jumped out at both of us.  Restoration.  I thought at the time that I'd never heard that word in a blessing of healing before and was fascinated at the prospect of restoration. Terry is on an emergency room bed, right in front of me, unable to move his left arm at all and his left leg feels weak as happens in the aftermath of a stroke.  RestorationReally?  How can that happen?  How can that be?

In the midst of all the rush, hubbub, tests and increasing pain, I said...Did you hear what Bob said?  Terry said... Restoration.  That was the word we held onto for the next 11 days.  That was the word on our minds when he moved his thumb a teeny bit. 

On the day he was released, before he came home, he insisted we go to Bob's so he could thank his friend for the blessing and to tell him we held onto that word Restoration.  We both witnessed that Restoration happening, rather the results of it, and even right now he feels changes that occur, during the nighttime, each morning when he gets up stronger than when he went to bed. We continue daily to think about that word and it's meaning.  If his progress stopped right now, and he had partial restoration, we'd still be astonished at the miracle we have witnessed.

We have therapy work to do and a ways to go but we will do our part to claim that blessing.  I found it interesting that Bob did not remember what he'd said.  I've seen that with Terry and Greg also...them not remembering what they've said.

My prayer is that all of us will enjoy this miraculous Priesthood power in our homes for our daily lives.  If there is not a man in your home or no Priesthood power there, no one is left out, use your HT or Bishop if you don't have your Dad or your brother nearby.  The same man that told the men to use the power in their homes also told the women to ask for blessings.  I know there have been some conference talks about blessings of comfort.

I love the Gospel.  I love the  Priesthood power...It has blessed my life in so many ways at so many times.  Makes me teary to think of it.


Is any sick among you?  let him
call for the elders of the church; and
let them pray over him, anointing
him with oil in the name of the Lord:

And the prayer of faith shall
save the sick, and the Lord shall
raise him up; and if he have committed
sins, they shall be forgiven him.

Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another,
that ye may be healed.  The effectual
fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much.  (James 5:14-16)

(Remember to take time to pray and repent!)

Section 20 of Handbook
20.1  General Instructions on Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings.
...............Those who give priesthood blessings speak words of blessing (I {or we} bless you that...")
rather than saying a prayer ("Heavenly Father, please bless this person that...") 


Also....let's say you are sick and you need to be administered to with oil.  Things move along and then you are not feeling so chipper and wish you could have another blessing.  If what you are feeling is related to what you originally had the blessing for then you don't need to be administered to again but you can just be blessed and that will be an extension of that original administration.  Does that make sense?  Terry was administered to by Bob and Bob.  He had an evening when he felt really crummy and our HT dropped by and Terry asked him if he would give him a blessing.  So he did.  I think it's sort of like a warranty with no end date!

See Administering to the Sick   20.6
then check 20.6.1   4th paragraph....

If a person requests more than one blessing for the same illness, the priesthood holder need not anoint with oil after the first blessing.  Instead, he gives a blessing by the laying on of hands and the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.


Also in 20.6.2 and 20.6.3  I really appreciate the counsel to "places his hands lightly on the person's head...."   and  "place their hands lightly on the head of the person" 

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