Thursday, June 14, 2012

Splitting Hairs (2nd try)

Calendula ( /kəˈlɛndjlə/ Ca-lén-du-la)

So what do I do????  Yesterday I probably lost what I wrote to keep me out of trouble and now I can't ignore that I said I'd write it again and yet it's all so ridiculous.  Now I'm making it worse!!!  I'll Readers Digest Condensed version this little drama that was just so brief.  A few minutes.

My nerves were a bit frazzled.  Feeling sort of like finger in the light socket with hair standing on end.  Actually that sort of frazzled is very much beyond a bit frazzled.  A friend had asked if I had any St. John's Wort and I, but I can order some and we'll share the order.  (I order online and we get it super bargain rate.)

I had also told her I'd see if I could find some pure Arnica oil and Calendula salve plus I wanted some Arnica also.

I went to health food store in Union Gap.  Asked the young clerk if they had Arnica oil.  She took me looking and no, they did not have it.  I then asked if they had Calendula ointment, Hyland brand, not in a tube or bottle but more like a jar.  

She asked again for the name and I said... Calendula/Cuh-linjew-la.  I think I saw it around the corner of this aisle.  

We went around the corner and I said...Oh, there it is.  

 She said...oh! Calendula/Cal-un-doo-lah!!  You wanted Calendula/Cal-un-doo-lah!!  

I said..Calendula/Cuh-linjew-la.  

She said...Calendula/Cal-un-doo-lah.

So we are actually tomatoe-ing/tuh-mot-oh-ing over  Cuh-linjew-la/Cal-un-doo-lah.  Going back and forth and back and forth.

Can you even imagine such a ridiculous scene?  

I finally said...One of us is wrong.

She says...You are.

I say...No,  I'm not.  

She says she is going to go ask the manager!!!  

Which she does and the manager announces to everyone in earshot that... it's Cal-un-doo-lah!!

She comes back and reports to me that I'm wrong and I hate to say that I said....No.  She's wrong.   

I grabbed a bottle of St. Johns Wort that cost 3 times as much as ordering online and went up to check out and could I be pleasant and let this snippy young woman, probably very young, alone?  Could I drop the pronouncing gladiator battle?  Oh, no.  I had to get in one last dig and name drop....Well, my Homeopathic Practitioner taught me to say Cuh-linjew-la.

If ever I was a disgrace to little old ladies it was that moment.  At this age aren't I suppose to be... sweet, grey curls, parchment skin, chunky heeled oxfords, exuding charm, dignity and infinite patience, grace, kindness-- basically all the things I did not portray?

In the car I opened the SJW and took several.  Can people overdose on SJW if they take 4?  In my case the answer is...NO.

Immediately slinking into repentance mode I determined to double check when I got home and IF I was wrong I'd go back and apologize.  IF I was right I'd let it drop and not go back.  No trip was necessary.  The thing is though that I came home and did a BlogBlab.  Lost it. And then I say I'll rewrite it!!!  Why didn't I just write something like....I didn't choose the highest road today. 

Come to the lower kingdom in the next life and see me.  Please.

Then that complicated my blog as you are probably wondering...what on earth is the woman talking about????, and I love writing my blog and I love you for reading my blog and now you know how extremely human I am at times and I'm LDS with a strong testimony.  (If that's not a blithering sentence then I don't know what is!!!??)

So now, in trying to make some sense of words that sound strange to most folks...tomorrow I will tell you what Calendula/Cuh-linjew-la is and why I like it.

How deep a hole can I possibly dig myself into????   Hey!  Is this some bottomless pit???!!

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