Friday, June 22, 2012

Moving On

My friend Kathryn has lived in the same house for 40 years.  Probably 3 years ago her husband passed away.  Her adult children decided that they would keep her in her home while she decided how to work out where to live and who to live with and those sorts of details.  In the meantime her sainted son-in-law felt to move his wife and himself into her home.  Now there is an emminent change.  It was long discussed and considered and because of her health challenges her local Dr. was consulted about moving to Rexburg.

The son-in-law has been working on the Idaho house that will be her new home and getting everything ready for her comfort.

This is not easy for a mid 80 year old woman to leave a home filled with love and memories of 50% of her life in that one house.  She wonders if future owners will feel and know that the house had been dedicated to the Lord by her husband?  Will they love it and enjoy it also?

Right now it is difficult with so many choices to be made of what to keep, what to move, what to give and most painful of all...what to discard.  What to throw away.

"The notebook from 25 years ago of a page and picture of each Missionary that served while Judd was their Mission President.  This doesn't mean anything to anyone but me.  It's hard to let things go that only matter to me but they need to go."

I think she is very brave.  She is ever the Mother.  Wanting to do what is best for her children and help everyone to get on with their lives.  She loves her extremely large family and they all feel the same towards her.  She knows this will be a good move but it's not easy to do the things that need to be done to help that happen.  Her daughter is such a whirlwind with boundless energy in helping all of this to transpire and makes it as easy on her as she can.

She and I both love paper, even though she has an I-Pad.  We love holding books, marking, reading, seeing bookshelves filled with books.  I was so surprised to be gifted with a box of her treasured books!!  I was thrilled!!  A part of her will always be in my home now just like my memories of our association will be a part of me.  Always.

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