Friday, June 1, 2012

Feasting on the Word

A couple of weeks ago in RS, Shannon taught a great lesson on-- The Scriptures, the Most Valuable Library in the World.  Several sisters shared their way of scripture study and they were as varied as the sisters in attendance...all seemed to be committed to daily reading in some form.  Emma, mentioned that her scriptures were usually found right where she'd last read them and not kept in one spot.  Others had them in a designated area.  Some delved into things by subject.  Some read at a specific time of day. Some read by searching for answers to what was going on in their lives.  Some read out-loud. Jackie, an admitted avid reader, had no specific time to read but would not allow herself to read anything before she read her scriptures and she read every day.  (I also know that she shared with me, of maybe it was her Bishop husband that told me, that she sometimes read the Spanish edition of the Book of Mormon.)  So all sorts of women, all sorts of ways, and each just the perfect match for that individual woman.  

When I joined the Church I had a huge interest and curiosity about the doctrine.  this was back in the era before computers and the current printing of our scriptures and I didn't find it all that easy to learn but I did decide to read "authoritative" books and that really opened my eyes.  I read some great doctrinal books.  I also developed a love for commentaries and/or compilations of doctrinal authoritative quotes.

The first Church calling I had was a stint in Primary, teaching the CTR-B class -readying children for baptism. I just loved that class.  Studying that manual and preparing to teach each week was a great way to learn basics that I didn't know about.  I only taught one year in Boise.

Then I had a time for a few months as Primary Sec. in CA, and teaching the Merrie Miss girls.  Then I made the big shift to YW and a lot of years in YW.  I learned a lot about character building and life lessons that were pulled from the scriptures.  And that carried over to Alaska with working with YW.

Then came several years of Seminary.  Many years. And that was a terrific way to scripture study.  to study daily to be prepared to teach the next day.  An avalanche of material to sift and sort and learn and then share a fraction of it with my class.  A dream come true.

Interspersed with lots of other fun exciting callings, like Public Communicators Director/Roadshow Director/In-service teacher/Institute, and other times of being a specialist on something or other.  I was always so fortunate to have callings with a class be it RS, Gospel Doctrine, Investigators (until someone found out a Priesthood holder should teach it!).

I always felt so fortunate to be able to serve and not be in a Presidency of any sort,  as I just was always to hopeful to be able to teach my own class.  I was a Stake YW President, never a Ward YW Pres.!  (and that was so much fun!!  It was in the days of big productions and huge boards of all sorts of workers--speech, drama, dance,camp etc. etc.)  And then I had my time as Ward RS President for many years.  In all my years in the Church.... I've never worked in Primary other than that time right after Baptism!!  hush!)

And then it sort of ended!!! 

I was teaching Seminary, now in WA, and my husband got a call to serve in the YSA Branch.  I had no calling other than to attend and just be there.  4-1/2 years!!!  No class to teach!!  boohoo!!!   I came back to the Ward and almost immediately got called as RSP!!  and again no class to teach!  again...boohoo!   Then I got released as RSP after a long time serving and on that same day got called to the Stake RSP as Secretary.  sobbing abounds!!!   I know that we "teach" no matter what our calling etc. etc.  but I love to be able to ask questions and hear what others have learned.  To have a real class.  I really enjoy gospel talk!

It has taken a lot of searching for me to find something that satisfies my thirst for learning doctrine, with no class to share what I've learned and hear others take on it.  Now it's been about 11 years with no class of my own.  I do have my own study system that meets my spiritual needs and I must say I love it.

I save all of the Conference Report Ensigns and treasure them and that is what I study.  I have a very specific way and being as how I got way off subject and started in about longing for a class of my own and the whining just sort of took over and I've used up way to much of your time.  Next time.  My next blog will be about the love I have of scripture study and how I do mine and how I'm blessed when I do it and sort of left with a dazed blank empty feeling, devoid of the spirit, when I don't consistently, daily study.  

I hope you love and enjoy your Scripture study system like I do mine!!!

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