Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I missed my Home Ward Enrichment night and I know it was a wonderful event with lots of fun and fellowship.  Our Stake RSP had a Presidency meeting before visiting another Ward's Enrichment.  (and it was fun and wonderful also but I did miss my Home Ward.

 At our meeting the President handed out the stats on VT throughout the Stake.  She was concerned about the low numbers.  Are the sisters doing their VT and not reporting it OR are the not doing it OR are they reporting it and it's not being entered into the computer??

 Is VT an age old problem?  I don't know.  I know we aren't called and sustained and I do believe it sort of separates the men from the boys.  uh, I mean the women from the girls.  I think it will be a real big deal at judgement because of Matt. 25.  Don't you?  It's volunteer all the way and fits in with everything good there possibly is.  VT can be related to the Good Samaritan or the story of the Ten Virgins and all sorts of scriptural situations.  It really is a big deal.  All the more so because it's freewill.

My conversion to VT really took a long time and it is now soul deep and I really appreciate how much I love the program and I see it's worth.

 Tonight I remembered- in 2009 I attended a Welfare Leadership meeting via satellite. Purposeful meetings such as these, from Salt Lake City Church headquarters, are a boon to keeping the Church at large on track. There was something said in that one that really caught me off guard.

Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop, was speaking on "The Welfare Responsibilities of the Bishop".   He was talking about welfare principles that will help Bishops optimize their decisions in giving assistance.

1. Seek out the poor
2. Promote personal responsibility
3. Sustain life not lifestyle
4. Provide commodities before cash
5. Provide work and service opportunities.

Seek out the poor?  I have compassion for the poor but I've never really sought them out. It's more of filling a need when asked or someone so obviously in need of help that you just do it or acting on a prompting.  Our Bishop has people come to him for Church assistance.  When I was the Ward RSP, at his assignment, I filled commodity orders for those in need and felt good about it plus thankful that such help is available.  Bishop Burton's statement though on #1 really hit me hard.

1. Seek out the poor.
     Bishops should keep in mind that it is their responsibility to seek out the poor.  It is not enough to assist only when asked.  The Bishop should encourage priesthood and Relief Society leaders, along with home teachers and visiting teachers, to help identify those who need assistance.

I want to be a better VT.  I really do.

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