Friday, April 6, 2012

A Habit

Probably around 1999, I was teaching a Gospel Doctrine class and somehow or other Temples and Temple recommends were discussed.  After the class a young widow, Judy, told me she needed to get her Temple recommend renewed.  In our visit we decided to go to the Seattle Temple once a month together.  What a feat for her!!  The youngest of her 6 children was probably in first or second grade. Terry was working at the North Slope and I had no children at home so my plans weren't challenging like hers!

We picked a day, decided to leave as early as we could after her children were off to school, and started our most enjoyable time together.  We let nothing interfere unless it was illness.  We ended up liking the pot roast lunch and went on that particular day.  Thursday?  I don't remember.  We'd go to a session, eat lunch, and head home.  Seems to me we didn't even stop at the Bookstore.  Really?!  surely we did sometimes.  

Of certainty though is the fact we went monthly.  We'd read the quotes I'd collected about promised blessings and talk about Church etc. all the way up.  Coming home we'd talk about mortality and our challenges.

We decided to get our own Temple clothes and not rent anymore so we purchased suitcases, dresses etc.

In 2000 President Hinckley announced that a Temple would be built 55 minutes away from where we lived!  We felt ready as we already had our clothes and we had the habit of going.  We decided if we could drive to Seattle once a month then once a week seemed doable with a Temple so nearby.  

The Columbia River Temple was dedicated in Nov. 2001.  Because of it's closeness other members of Judy's family would find it easier go to the Temple.  Terry and I could go together easier also.  Judy and I wished each other well in our new weekly goal and still, to this day, talk about what a great time we had in that year or so we made the Temple a monthly priority.  We basked in how easy and quick it would be to travel to a Temple so close at hand.  We were so thankful and excited to be practically next door to our Temple.

Truth be told from my own confessional booth?   Don't we tell each other-- sacrifice bringeth forth  blessings?  I'd sacrifice with very careful planning for the Seattle session.  It was in stone.  With the new Temple so close, and even having to call to secure a seat, I seemed to be endlessly finding little reasons to "go tomorrow" which sometimes stretched to "next week.  just this one time."

The easiness of the way and the downfall/penalties/consequence is talked about in Exodus!  Way back blood on the doorpost. (Ex. 12:7)  either they didn't believe what that lack of action would bring (death)  or it was just to simple.  to easy.  

It's so easy, for me to procrastinate/make excuses, as it all seems so simple.  The convenient location of the Temple just makes excuse-making so easy!!!

I'm a blessing seeker.  I love spiritual experiences and going to the Temple on a regular basis, whatever that is for each individual, is a flat out guarantee that you will at some point feel the Spirit.

Here are some outtakes from some of my favorite quotes about the need for regular attendance.  

Enjoy them!!!!
Do we return to the temple often to receive the personal blessings that come from regular temple worship?
...President Ezra Taft Benson 1988

...members of the Church who absent themselves from Temple attendance, where it is possible for them to attend, are denying themselves rich blessings.  
---Elder David B. Haight 1990

As we study the scriptures, we learn that the doctrine of the temple requires...frequent attendance for personal spiritual benefit
---Elder W. Grant Bangerter 1982

A Temple recommend is one of the highest accolades we may receive. To use it regularly permits us to participate in the choicest gifts within the keeping of the Church.  
---Elder A. Theodore Tuttle 1982

One of the great revelations of the Temple to those who go often, is the reality and nearness of the spirit world....We should go to the temple often...But we cannot have it's spirit if we don't go regularly.   
---RS Manual 1983  Harold Glen Clark

I promise you that, with increased attendance in the Temples of our God, you shall receive increased personal revelation to bless your lives as you bless those who have died.  
---President Ezra Taft Benson 1987

Regular Temple work can provide spiritual strength.  
---Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin 1992

Come to the Temples worthily and regularly.  
---Elder David B. Haight 1992

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