Monday, February 20, 2012

Making the rounds visiting

A marvelous Sunday!  I visited Abby's Ward (does everyone know, except me, that she is expecting a wee one?)  She is doing her usual hard work in the baby making department and really sick during the day and that carries on into the night.  Their Church is held when she has a really rough time, so I was surprised when an arm went around my shoulder, and she whispered in my ear...come sit with me so we can snuggle!  I moved and we held hands until her hormones kicked in and she was so hot.  It was just great to see her!  Love you, Abby!

In the 6 Sundays, beginning January 15 and up to the present time, I've visited 5 Sacrament meetings and 6 RS meetings.  One of each of those was my home Ward on "official" assignment.  That averages that in the last 6 Sundays I've been with approximately 150-180 different RS women.  This is the part of my calling that I've been most excited about- meeting new sisters.

I've just been overwhelmed with the strength and spirit of these women.  They are filled with compassion and care for each other.  When they teach you can feel the Spirit and when people respond you can feel the Spirit.  I feel such a heart connection with these women.  I always want to just sit and talk with them and get better acquainted. 

I've heard great RS lessons and some outstanding sacrament talks.  Sunday was particularly interesting.  6th Ward.  The young teen organist played the organ louder than any I've heard!  It was great as the entire congregation just sang out as loud as they could.

The Connells are heading to Russia for their Mission, in a couple of weeks, so they spoke today.  Her talk was so great and everything she said just hit home as truth.  She has 8 children.  4 sons and 4 daughters.  She shared things that she felt children should be taught.  They weren't the usual things and she was kind enough to scan and share her notes with me.  and!... I'm going to share them with you!  you are welcome!

Well, so much for that grand gift!  I will have to type it as I can't figure out how to make it smaller as it's gigantic print.  I'm rather clueless.  I'll pull a Scarlett O'Hara...fiddle-dee-dee, I'll think about it tomorrow!  I will get it to you!  Somehow or other.

Such a lot of buzz about the death of Whitney Houston.  Fame seems to destroy a lot of people when the money, adoration and availability of destructive substances becomes their lifestyle.  Yes.  I watched the funeral.  Yes. I watched the Michael Jackson rehearsal tape that was released.  looking like a ghost of some sort with his paleness.  his gauntness.  his amazing dance ability (and why does he do that disgusting move??!!)  Yes. Life can be dark and destructive if we choose wrong. 

I contrasted the glitz and glam of Whitney's life and her funeral with the simplicity and peace of Marion's funeral where I spoke.

it was a nice journey to prepare the talk.  I learned so much about life and myself.  First of all, I really have no idea why I was asked to speak.  This is a woman that was mid 80's and I did not know her in her prime.  Her health has slowly declined for 12 years and the last 4 have required help.  Then came the time that she took to her bed.  She had been housebound for a long time and as her mind slowly eased away, some things made her nervous- like to much noise or people around her.

There was a huge segment of her life, those prime years, that I was clueless about.  I called 6 women that knew her in those active years and asked for adjectives to tell me what she was like.  I also called her VT and her caregiver.
They all described her in the same way...outstanding cook, homemaker, compassionate etc. etc.  She was as described in Proverbs...a virtuous woman.

Each person said the same thing that I felt...I didn't see her as much as I should have.  and yet her husband Paul felt that people had just gone out of their way in reaching out to her.  I think when those kind words or deeds are added up, no matter how small or how far apart they are, that the sum of all our efforts creates care that touches others.  Our combined small efforts, in many circumstances, are enough.

It was puzzling to me as to how to bring life to my talk when my association with her had been in those health struggles, surgeries, pain, mental struggles.  I knew that wouldn't be appropriate, as that was just one small segment, so I felt blessed to have others who could enlighten me.

I also thought....she is mid-80 and I'm to say something meaningful about her life in 15 minutes!  An entire mortal trek!  The life sketch, by her Home Teacher, had the same challengeThe Bishop covered the doctrinal issues and of course he talked about her also.  but isn't that interesting to think that we live for umpteen years and then in 30-45 minutes the talks to cover that span are over!?

The poem The Dash popped into my mind.

Funerals really are an amazing event.  The greatest service one can be involved in.  Angels attend in my estimation.  Miracles occur.

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