Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things went to the dogs today!

 I made soup today.  turned out fine.

I made bread today.  failure.  why?  rancid oil!!  first time that has ever happened to me.  and the sad thing is....I fooled myself into thinking the oil was fresh!!  By the time I realized it really had a bit of a stench, was when I was forming the loaves.  surely I was wrong!  I baked it.  I sliced it.  I ate the heel and felt like one myself.  I said nothing to my hubby and he ate his piece.  He said nothing so I knew I was safe!!

Then I called to see how a friend was doing after surgery and told her husband that I'd baked bread and would bring over a loaf (I'm a class act, huh?! sharing gross bread!!!).  Then my sweet husband tells me that he can't let me do that because the bread tasted rancid- like bad oil.  I confess and tell him how faith filled I'd been, trying to convince myself that it didn't really taste like it really did.  

Our son dropped by and I told him my sad dilemma.  He let me know that his two dogs like my bread as a treat!  he thinly slices it and gives them a taste.  He took the fresh baked loaves home to slice and freeze and save and share. Right or wrong, for dog digestion...my 4 loaves of bread truly went to the dogs!!

Breadmaking today was a waste of time but the truth is it was my own fault.  I had that little heads-up early on and ignored the fleeting warning and proceeded forth full steam ahead.  How can I then feign surprise at bread not fit for consumption?

I don't always listen to that still small warning voice much less heed it.  I have brought things more serious than stale oil into my life!!  Shame on me!

Here is a bunch of Japanese people, on YouTube,  to focus on and take my mind off what a nut I am sometimes.  It may help me to stop my sniveling and stop trying to blame everyone but myself, on knowingly using spoiled oil and expecting it to freshen. 


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