Friday, December 9, 2011

Being Nicer


#1- A friend sent  this song with the following counsel-
         Don't go CHRISTMAS shopping until you watch this YouTube
#2 is Church’s Gift to the World - Church News and Events


 #3 Bible Videos - The Life of Jesus Christ - Watch Scenes from the Bible
Watch and share these new videos that will inspire you to increase your faith in Jesus Christ.


#4 After my annual meltdown yesterday with me being frantic about decorations in towns, stores etc. I decided I need to get a grip on things.  I've been struggling with this for quite some time and I shared that 2 years ago it really got to me.  Figuring I didn't want to really go on feeling this way I have made some changes within after doing some thinking and pondering and self-evaluation.  

When I drove home last night, after checking out the sights, I decided to look at my home and see if I would guess a believer resided within.  Lights and garlands and a lit tree on the porch.  Nothing really indicating my conviction of the Savior. 

When I entered there were more garlands, a big tree fully decorated, ornaments hung on the lit garlands, collector houses around tree and on shelves, a wreath, a display of children gathering a tree and riding in a sleigh.  Up on the top shelf (where pictures used to be) are my all time 2 favorite, is a one piece by artist Jim Shore, and the other- 3 white pottery pieces of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.

I've never been a collector of Nativities like so many are.  We have a set of those old kind of poured plaster, many pieces, roughly painted and in looking around, I saw the rather large camel, for some odd reason, sitting alone on top of the wood burning stove.  Our daughter sent us a beautiful olive wood Nativity from Israel, when she was on a BYU Study Abroad.  Her own set got stolen in shipping so we eventually gave her the one she gave us.  I really enjoyed that one.

I realized that I've always associated Christmas with the Savior, being the Light of the world and to the world.  I'm comfortable with lots of lights as that represents hope to me.  I am also comfortable with old things from the past with all the old ornaments from many past Christmases.  I also like cozy homey family things so I enjoy all of the little houses with their soft glowing lights.  I love the smell of trees and the two wreaths  bring that freshness and memories of the past to my mind.
So all of those things, not things blaring or over sized, but oodles of things, do make me feel in the spirit of Christmas and I do think of Christ.

My new attitude is to enjoy all lights that people put up and let it remind me of what it always does at Christmas...the Light of Christ.  Not be mean spirited about it.  Continue to remind people that it is not just a holiday to me but the celebration of the birth of the Son of God.

and my really big decision....I'm going to start collecting Nativities over the next few years!  I have a book shelf with cubicles and I will clear them one by one, during this season, and one by one, as acquired put a Nativity in the cubby.  If anyone comes to visit, there will be no doubt in their mind that Christmas at our house is a celebration of the joy of His birth.

I feel so much better being nicer!! 

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