Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A favorite....

Several years ago, I received a Christmas card and I really enjoyed the greeting on it.  I've saved it and read it each year and enjoy it once again.  Now it's your turn.....

The love of Christ
can do amazing things...

The love of Christ can open your eyes
and completely change your thinking
about what really matters most in life.

The love of Christ can lift you above
what is ordinary and everyday
and make you believe 
that forever is not nearly long enough.

The love of Christ can open your heart
and convince you once and for all
that miracles really do happen.

May His love be the gift
that fills your heart
and your world 
at Christmas
and all through a beautiful year.

A friend sent me this.  I've never seen anything like this before.  Maybe
I'm way back in the dark ages!!!  A one-man barbershop quartet???
it's sure a fun way to relax for a few minutes! fascinating and beautiful!!

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