Thursday, September 1, 2011

Up, up and away!!!!!

 By the time you are reading this, if all goes as planned....Terry will be skyward and zigzagging across the US, landing and taking off a couple of times and finally reaching Orlando in the middle of the night.  Our SIL, Scott, will do the meet and greet as Jeanee will be snoozing.  She has a bit of night blindness so I'm glad she will stay home.

After a very intense amount of effort and planning- the bags are packed, the calls have been made, the Passport and all the folderol has been checked and rechecked, so many times, to make sure it's packed that it's amazing there is still ink on it!

The conversation was...Do I pack for you or do you pack for you?

The response from him...Can we pack for me?

My response...No.

He said...okay.  you pack for me.

I was glad-- #1 every single item has to be debated if "we" do it.  and I was glad-- #2 because I think of all sorts of details and put things in that he would never think of so he can be comfortable and I also pack enough and perhaps a bit to spare.  True.  Sometimes it's a large bit but well intended. That little word, spare, was what made him DARE to say....Isn't that way to much stuff?  and then the big kicker...what shirt is this?  does it fit me?  I don't like this shirt.  I don't need 12 pairs of garments.  I'm going to wash my clothes when I shower each day. Honey.

Oh, yes.  Honey. The little touch of sweetness. Truly you have to end up laughing at two seniors, not high-schoolers!, on how we deal with life.  We agreed to let Jeanee inventory the suitcase and if the 13 pair of socks and the 12 pair of etc. etc. are to much, then they can do, what we were unable to do, individually or as a team, and take it or leave it!

So he will be flying high and I'll be in the Temple repenting and starting my search for greater spirituality.  Now you can see how woefully lacking that area of my life is.  Rest assured...we are high school sweethearts and met when we were teens and we truly do love each other but boy, sometimes don't you just get a bit irritated and agitated?  Over little nothings!

We had our 2 person family prayer and all those silly worldly things faded away.  He'll survive and have fun whether his suitcase is bulging with my assorted closet selection OR has a packet of tide in it, for his daily shower laundromat.  He will make it...And we will make it also!!!  Love.  you gotta love LOVE!  I do!!

changing the subject real quick....I read this and it is neat!  Enjoy!!
 "Is your household ready for the next “Irene”? Since September is National Preparedness Month, here’s a day-by-day to getting ready."

Meridian Magazine - Prepare Now for the Next Irene - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views

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