Monday, September 12, 2011

"Can't trust the Name."

09/10/11 Faith Happenings - Yakima-Herald Republic

Workshop today to focus on witnessing to Mormons
Grace Lutheran Church will hold a seminar from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. today. The title is "Sharing Christ with Mormons" and features Pastor Mark Cares.
Cares serves as the president of Truth in Love Ministries,, and is the author of "Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons."
The seminar will feature a Scripture-based approach to witnessing.
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $15 per person or $20 per couple and includes lunch and materials.
The church is at 1207 S. Seventh Ave. in Yakima. Info: 877-887-3436.


I was startled when I read this in the morning newspaper!  I called the phone number and asked the woman....Why would you find it necessary to share Christ with a Church who bears His name?  Mormon is a nickname.  The official Church name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She said...You can't trust the name.  She then went on to explain that when they went door to door and met with Mormon's that they realized they worship a "different Jesus"When faced with words like sin, grace, salvation...the Mormons don't understand those words.  They don't believe in our Jesus that died on the cross and rose from the dead and saved all of us and we don't need to do anything but believe that.  You can't trust the name of their Church.  What religion are you?

 I told her.... I am a member, a believer in the Jesus Christ of the King James Bible.  That I know Jesus was crucified and resurrected and the Church is a Restoration not a reorganized or man-made religion.  I know it to be true and love being an active member.  I do trust the Name of The Church.

The woman I talked to was actually the Pastors wife and she was helping him get set up for the meeting.  I thought it was a local person as presenter but his ministry is preaching against our religion!  Truth in Love. He is out to save our souls. That is how he makes his living. She said they use our manuals to preach against our teachings.


Flashback to Homer and visiting the Church of Christ next door, really, right next door to our Ward building.  I was visiting to worship with them and interview the pastor for a newspaper article.  In the entrance foyer pamphlet display, I was caught off guard when I saw a picture of Joseph Smith on the front.  I picked it up.  Scathing and horrible about the Church.  I took an assortment of their doctrinal tracts including that one.  At the end of our time together, the minister invited me to join them on a more permanent basis.  I pulled the one offending pamphlet and told him...if I had a mind to change religions, this tract alone would stop me from ever being a part of your group.  I would be embarrassed and ashamed to belong to a religion that preached against and printed information against another religion.  I then shared that wonderful WONDERFUL 11th article of faith....

11- We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience and all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or what they may.


I remember going to one Anti-Mormon meeting in the late 60's.  I didn't know  people did things like that.  Preach against the Church in public.  His remarks were not accurate.  I was upset and wondered why our Stake President, in attendance, didn't stand up and defeat this man.  He remained silent during the tirade.  Afterwards, I asked him why he'd not spoken out as he knew the truth.  He basically said, we shouldn't contend over the Gospel and he'd gone because a group of us Stake YW leaders wanted to go and see and hear this man.  He said if people wanted the truth or to hear the truth they would seek it from the Church and not from someone speaking against the Church.  I decided to not go to meetings or read anti-literature but to focus on the truth.  To stay on the Gospel wall of activity.  Like Nehemiah.  (see June 15th blog)


My life is so blessed because of my Church membership and conversion and involvement in serving and associating with people that are also believers like me.  I trust the Name!!!

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