Friday, September 9, 2011

Prissy & Perturbed....Me!!

I love laughter.  I love humor.  Friends and family know this about me.  

Now I am thinking when did humor become, in some instances, so juvenile and really, is it that funny or funny at all?  2 items set me a line from a newspaper obituary, of a total stranger, that told, in partial summation of this 53 year old man's life... 

...he possessed a most wonderful sense of humor which will be greatly missed.  He loved to brag of his abilities to pass gas and that was our privilege for him to share it with a chosen few.

okay.  admittedly it was so wacko that I did call my sister and tell her and yes we did chuckle demurely.  okay.  we laughed.  raucous!  But isn't it so wild?  Don't lecture me about I didn't know him and why was I reading it etc. I'm all prissy prig!!!

A Prig approaches social interactions with a strong sense of self-righteousness.
especially where the prig has the ability to show superior knowledge to those who do not know the protocol. They see little need to consider the feelings or intentions of others, relying instead on established order and rigid rules to resolve all questions.

Prude- A person of extreme or exaggerated propriety concerning behavior or speech...
Prim- stiffly formal and precise in manner or appearance or behavior, disliking what is rough or improper.
slang term Prissy, in the sense of meaning prim or prudish.

In the following newspaper clip I became not only a Prissy Prig but I'm.....

Peeved- annoyed

Peevish- irritable

Perturb- to disturb greatly, to make anxious or uneasy.


'Shrek' musical opens Capitol Theatre's 'Best of Broadway' series this weekend

"You look for ways to theatrical-ize it and expand the piece, things the stage does well," he says. "It's a fun night at the theater. There's going to be burps and farts. It's just casual fun. It shouldn't be intimidating at all."

"It's done in a completely zany, madcap way," Director Sposito says. "There's puppets and makeup and fart jokes. It's fun for the whole family. But it's also smart. It's a silly, zany story that has a huge heart to it."

He does admit that ...."at it's heart it's still a simple story of self-discovery".

Tickets go from $15-$65.


My age must be showing!!!  or I'm soap-boxing!!!

Where is the gentleness of manners? politeness? dignity?...... 
                                (me being a Perturbed Prissy Prig!!!)
                                                                   (somewhat hypocritical also?)

 Question of the day....
do coarse/vulgar things fit the bill, in below listed categories, 
in the 13th Article of Faith?

 13 aWe believe in being bhonest, true, cchaste, dbenevolent, virtuous, and in doing egood to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we fhope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to gendure all things. If there is anything hvirtuous, ilovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

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