Monday, August 22, 2011

Airing dirty laundry!

If a person doesn't mention something they did, maybe an accidental doing of sorts, and no one was hurt or anything,  and really,  it's all fixed back up like new.  You'd never even know any mishap had happened.  Think that's a lie?  Concealing the event when there isn't any evidence of anything amiss?

I'd said to myself...if he asks- then I'll tell him.  Can you deceive someone when they don't suspect anything has gone wrong?

These were my thoughts, as I clothes pinned his wet leather wallet to my outdoors clothesline.  It was freshly clean from the washing machine. 

I'd carefully taken out the driver's licence, Temple recommend, debit card, Costco card, 2 charge cards and $12....examined each one and was thankful that the wallet had been in his pant pocket so it didn't thrash about.  It was a relief to see that all that plastic holds up well, through all the whirling around, if tucked in a safe place.   

Years ago I'd accidentally washed his wallet when paper was used for everything and not plastic.  Now that was very unpleasant. we were young, rather newly-wed, he was irritated (to put it mildly) and I was awash in tears.  we kissed and made up.  I of course made a romantic vow to never ever wash his wallet again!

This all seems so harmless.  so, I washed his wallet!  Should I be the wallet monitor?  Isn't he somewhat to blame?  True- the pants had been sort of draped over the laundry basket.  True- I teased him that I would have to wash his suspenders as I removed them.  True- I emptied the change.  True- I emptied the keys.  True- I didn't check the back pocket.

Everything dried and is as good as new and each item is in it's little slot.  Who's to know? 

Maybe I was in laundress mode and just trying to make a full load of wash?  so I grabbed the, sort of in and sort of out, pants on the laundry basket?  Whatever happened and whoever caused it fault wise....there is no harm done.  Is there?


Uh, oh!  A couple of days later.  The jig is up!  He picked the wallet up off the desk and said....
what the heck?!  is this my wallet?  it's smaller.  HEY!  did you wash my wallet??!!  Again?!



There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill behoves any of us
To find fault with the rest of us.


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