Friday, August 17, 2018

still mining!

Another remarkable day on studying and digging in and learning and developing and feeling so good!

I read one thing and that takes me to another thing and then I end up learning and pondering more about the Holy Ghost ( and that search all started because of two words always and constant...both in regards to having the Spirit with you!)

Sometimes I get side-tracked with something sounding so enticing and interesting to read.  Today was another one of those adventuresome days!  I read a lot and looked up a lot of scriptures about personal revelation etc and somehow or other ended up at this fantastic current talk.

For me life, and my interactions with others, is about endeavoring to develop unconditional love and following/living/trying to let the 11th Article of Faith be a part of my personal Liahona.  A great goal!

Enjoy this talk!  It's a powerful message!  For all of us with our life challenges... whatever they may be!

Hard Sayings and Safe Spaces: Making Room for Struggle as Well as Faith

ERIC D. HUNTSMANProfessor of Ancient Near Eastern StudiesAug. 7, 2018 • Devotional

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