Monday, August 13, 2018

Gift of Holy Ghost

Figuring out our menu and feeling accomplished!

Today I decided to study and read a lot about the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  I enjoyed it so much!  I was reminded of a lot of things and also learned some things, that put a twist on it, that I hadn't considered before.  I grew in understanding and I love to learn about the gospel, as I'm sure you do also.

How thankful I am for such a gift.  The Holy Ghost helps me in big things and small things.  I appreciate his guidance.

I got my sewing machine out and knew the bobbin tension needed adjusting and I could not find the book.  Then I found the instruction booklet under fabric that was cut and ready to sew.  I was SO happy to find that silly book.  I read it and knew what needed to be done on the adjusting.  A couple of weeks later I was ready to start in and lo and behold!...I could not find that booklet.  I searched high and low.  I remembered reading it back at my desk.  I went at the room with a fury.  For days I looked and relooked.  Terry looked.  Not just in my office but everywhere.

I decided to find the booklet on line for instructions...well, try to find it!  I said one last sincere prayer and into my mind came the thought...It's under the Primary sack.  Sure enough.  Right where I then remembered placing it weeks earlier.

I want to be more attune and thus more available to personal guidance and then act on promptings to do good things.

I read several CR talks today about the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  I enjoyed every single one. A couple of favorites were  ... 

That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be with Us by Elder Bednar   here 
The Unspeakable Gift  by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin  here

A photograph of daisies paired with the text of Moroni 10:5.

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