Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Monday!

I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful in all aspects!

Yesterday for me was super as I heard from all of my kiddos and if you have children then you know that is important to a Mom.

Maybe some of you looked out the window and saw Popcorn Popping on a tree?  I glanced in the mirror and was shocked to see- a glimpse of my Mother looking at me!  How does this sort of thing happen?  We age and we morph into past generations?  I also saw a little peek of Dixie.  Maybe because.....

 so I no longer feel guilty or hear her nagging me and threatening to take back those silver earrings!  Plus I moved ahead in the improve my appearance campaign and stop being so casual lazy!  I didn't chop my hair.  I polished my nails.  I have small pearl earrings.  Itty bitty dots.  appropriate for the Temple was my thinking.  Anyhow moving ahead.

Yesterday my mind and heart was so full about Mothering and feeling that all women have Mother hearts whether they end up in life actually having children or not, they still Mother many.  That fierce desire to have children, in most women, is like a powerful storm force.  It's an anxiousness that just consumes a woman at a certain time period in her life.  Eventually, believe it or not, that desire to have a baby does subside.  You become rather like a needy newborn yourself.  Dependent at times on others for the simplicity, the necessities of life.  A thankful recipient.

I am well past the pleading prayers and tearfulness of desiring a baby in the house.  I baby my hubby now and am practical enough to realize that even a puppy is a newborn on many levels and never grows out of that phase.  It's not a phase.  It's a dog's lot in life.  I love and enjoy our 2 Grand-pups!

To all things there truly is a season.  Reason in each season needs to be prayerfully thought out.  Years ago, in Homer, I remember a RS lesson in our Branch.  It was about raising children. A beautiful older woman, a convert of not to many years, along with her husband, shared her insight.  She and her husband were successful in their careers and she told that early on they had decided to never have children.  Feeling the children would not receive the care they needed because they wanted to focus on their careers.  She said, at that stage of her retirement years, that she regretted that decision and if she could do it again, she would have children.  She said they are now totally family beyond the two of them.  No grandchildren.  She encouraged the women to be Mothers.

I'm sure by now they are both long gone but I've always remembered her comments.  She also encouraged the women to not delay having children because sometimes in waiting things don't work out. It was interesting hearing her take on life and remains in my mind even today.  I remember the sadness of her comments.

I admire those that choose to have children.  I also admire those that won't have that opportunity.  We can all still Mother.  We can Mother well past those years of child-bearing and we can Mother-assist child-rearing women.  We can Mother whether someone calls us by that title of not!

Our daughter shared that after her twins were born the nurse brought in papers for her to fill out.  On the blank requesting Mother's Name, she wrote my name.  The nurse told her...oh, no honey.  You're Mother now.

Thought you would enjoy this... The Birth of a Mother...NY

and wanted to share my roses with you!

(to you...several new readers...thanks for reading my blog.  I aim at M-F posts.  If I miss?  It's not forever and I will return!)

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