Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Clarion Call!!

I ended up going to the Temple because I felt so sad.  I must clarify....not sad over any doctrine or changes by the authorities...not sad over the future of what this means for homosexuals...just sad over the reality and ramifications, as yet unknown/unspoken/unclarified, what will happen to those children already in the Church.

You readers know that I only have two friends that are gay.  I love my friends.  One is a single young man.  Is 41 considered young?  In my ancient life script...he's young.  The other is my friend Mariah.  Mariah married Taliatha and they have 9 children.

As a co-dependent woman, trying to recover at all times!, it makes sense that I would feel such sadness as my mind goes whirling on all of the what ifs.  Can I fix this and make it easier?  Uh, no.  No, I can't!

I read Sam's FB and feel and see the anger from friends/family, some that I know and most that I don't.  I also read of people trying to explain their take on the announcement and arguing.  I read of his Mother's anger and feel her pain and frustration.  2 of her children are gay.  In his case, I PM him so as not to cause any flareup on FB because I'm an active Mormon.  I watch with interest how his peers are taking this.  I read of their anger etc. with the Church.  I read of those trying to persuade others to their viewpoint.  Viewpoints that vary with those trying to calm things down and those frustrated and mad.

I agree with what Sam sent me about the announcement....

Frankly i don't think they are all the way through that recommend process i'm afraid.

To me it makes sense for the Church to issue a guideline as to what to do about those children already in the Church and living with 2 married homosexuals.  Maybe they will just tell Bishops but I do know that they will cover that base.  Eventually.  Not mine to lose a wink of sleep over but still thinking of it.  Ever Co-D!!!  Don't want anyone hurting in any way!!

I love these 2 friends but we are in total disagreement over the subject of Gays in the Church.  We know how each of us feels gospel-wise and those feelings are in cement.  We are still caring friends in spite of this. I believe homosexuality goes against Bible teachings.  I believe the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  I believe the Roman Empire fell in part because of rampant homosexuality. I believe homosexuality is a part of and a sign of the last days.

It does not stun me that the Church has come out with this clear statement.  I do not believe that homosexuality is along the lines of all men receiving the Priesthood many years ago and that it's just a matter of time before the governing men get real/get modern/ get with it and finally realize their error.

We need watchmen on the tower that give a clarion call.  We need to have peace in our worship.  Bishops need to focus on the Ward task at hand and not issues that must be debated and end up with fights in the midst of defining what needs to be done.  They needed this clear direction.  This addition to Handbook 1 defines exactly the way things are to be done.  (except what needs to be done for children like Mariahs beautiful brood).

I can see it will create less confusion.  I've always wondered about classes teaching Gospel truths like...a man and a woman...and the children in their home are with 2 of the same sex...and how do they grapple with that?  Your religion tells you one thing and your parents live another.  I do feel sad for the lack of baptism and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and all child/youth centered activities and classes,  for these children with believing parents but not obedient parents (put your stone down!)

In 1995 (already 20 years ago??) the Family Proclamation was given.  I, with others was somewhat taken aback, a little embarrassed, that it was declared, by Apostles, intelligent men, the phrase...marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God.  My thoughts...of course it would be a man and a woman....that is a given!!  everyone knows that!  Well, egg scraped off of my sheepish!  not everyone knows that fact!  IF a person wants to be in our religion...that marriage criteria is in stone.  This recent announcement is solidifying that simple statement with no if's/ands/buts!

All guess work is removed.  All careful examination of what to do in each and every single case, on a one by one basis is gone.  It's man/woman.  That is what our religion believes and IF you want to belong to our Church then this has to be what you live.  I cannot imagine having a testimony and yet not feeling we are led by living Prophets.  Why even join?  or why stay?  My religion is so personal to me and if I wasn't a member I'd be searching for a faith that would sustain my basic beliefs or what I'd always longed for.  I would not consider becoming LDS knowing all of the stipulations if they countered my personal needs.  I seek peace in my faith.  Not confusion. 

I cannot for the life of me understand why, why oh why!, are people trying to change the Gospel?  Trying to swell the ground troops to ban together and awake the sleeping 15 men that support this statement.  The 15---They received it. They support it.  They shared it.  I sustain them.  I expect a clear clarion call.  They did it.  No more guessing.  Yes, this does break hearts of adults that truly believe the leaders are wrong and out of step and that makes me sad for them but most of all it makes me sad for the children.

And that is where my sadness comes in, for people like Mariah.  I sent her a note.... 

My love for you is still intact and 
so is our friendship. Are all the children baptized 
in your family except for the youngest little girl?
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Your nice, I have been thinking about you. We have three who aren't baptized but it really reaches further than that. We have boys who won't get the priesthood this year and won't be able to pass the sacrament and we don't know if the oldest girl will still be able to go on youth temple trips, which she has been doing. Will they be required to stop taking the sacrament if they have been baptized, but aren't 18? I just really hope they offer clarification on all of this soon. Taliatha's ex's new wife got divorced because her husband was gay. The kids live with them, but the language indicates that her kids will also be excluded from everything as well just because their dad is in a same sex relationship. It is just heart wrenching from so many perspectives!
I broke out in tears at envisioning these exact complications for those already involved in the Church. I'm still so sad. I immediately thought of you and yours.
I didn't realize there were 3 to be baptized.
This is just a mess! 😟

an apt description. I put your name on the prayer roll today. My heart goes out to you!!
I appreciate you. All eleven of us are off to church....come what may! I appreciate your prayers!
I hope you were treated kindly and lovingly. I will pray for you and your family. always friends.

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