aka Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks.
An old phrase for a persnickety woman was ...She's an old biddy!
An old song title. Aptly describes me soap-boxing. I just have to get
this out of my system. I'll say it and be done (does anyone that knows
me really believe that statement?? Not even I do 100%!! I actually wrote this post awhile back and decided to just not use it but now I'm going to post it even though it's after the fact of the happenings!)
Chapter One Recently a friend posted this.... (Thanks Sarah!)
Elder Marvin J. Ashton said this in 1987 (it seems even more essential 27 years later)...
"We should learn to talk together, listen together, pray together, decide together, and avoid all forms of possible contention. We must learn to curb anger. Satan knows that when contention begins, orderly progress is thwarted.
There has never been a time when it is more important for us as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to take a stand, remain firm in our convictions, and conduct ourselves with calm assurance under all circumstances. We must not be manipulated or enraged by those who subtly foster contention over issues of the day.
“Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away” (3 Ne. 11:30).
“Ye should live in peace one with another” (Mosiah 2:20). Those with the gift of being calm make lasting peace possible."
It fits right in with my rethink of how I intend to handle/react to some issues that we are facing or will face.
Chapter Two
I'm so opposed to the LDS feminist movement seeking Priesthood for women. And the gay movement that wants non-traditional marriage bugs me...Mostly because some of this is being legislated, so some think it is suddenly moral, because it is legal. The big huge issue with me-- is your own Church!! That is when my irritation starts to grow. I have to change course in my reaction.
I also have this huge concern over thinking that others will buy into this line of thinking and be hoodwinked. So am I thinking that I am destined to save the entire world????
What to do? I know what I believe and what I don't believe. I believe in Latter-day revelation to the male leaders of the Church at large. the Apostles. the First Presidency. I absolutely do not believe that anything I think needs to be changed, or for that matter what anyone else think needs to be changed, will amount to anything more than an irritant to General Church Authorities. No amount of letter writing or protests, even peaceful, will amount to a twit as far as instigating change. Revelation/change for the Church at large-- comes from the top, down. not from the bottom, upwards. (figure that out, huh? you understand. right?)
I've really been thinking of this and am going to tweak a few things within myself. for me to muzzle myself a bit can only come about if I really believe that is what I need to do. I do believe that.
Last night I was reading a talk by Elder Scott and he was commenting on Alma 7:23 and the word gentle was mentioned. being gentle in dealing with others was a part of it. On these social issues- I feel so adamant about others being wrong and me being right, that gentle/gentleness, in any form, does not exist.
I never got upset while waiting for the Priesthood to be given to all men. I didn't understand it but I figured the authorities knew what was going on and in time it will all turn out fine. These present issues, that are in instances old issues, are not in that category. Authorities/Prophets were pleading for that day to come about Priesthood for all men. They would mention it. It was just an matter of time.
Authorities are not praying for revelation on the Priesthood being extended to females. They are not praying for gays to be sealed in the Temple. These issues are not open for discussion.
Chapter Four
What really bugs me (more bugging. bring on the aerosol poison and spray me down!!) is I absolutely love my Church. I love my association with members. I love the feeling of calm assurance that He cares. (Is that a hymn phrase?) There is a very family feeling, a homey connection, with the familiarity of my worship and the comfort of tradition. The peace I feel. I don't want my peace of worship disrupted. I don't want fussing and feuding and protesting and harshness and loudness. I don't want to have others trying to change what I value as my choice. No tweaking welcome.
There is a lot coming down the pike and I can see it will grow and get gnarly but what about me? Me with the capability/ability to snap back, loudly/meanly (perhaps?), to give them my more than 2 cents worth of thinking? spewing quotes. stating scriptures. am I really changing anything? Is this my standing as a witness at all times and in all places? Behavior of someone who believes she is a daughter of God?
I've really been thinking a lot about this. Praying a lot.
The Holy Ghost speaks quietly to me. doesn't he to you also? Do I drive him away with my, at times strident, manner.
That phrase calm assurance just stayed with me so I stopped and found it! I will take this as a part of the puzzle that I'm trying to solve for altering my reaction behavior. A piece that lets me know I'm on the right track. It even mentions gentle! Often hymns that pop into my mind have all/some of answers I'm seeking. I assume that is how it works for you also.
130 Be Thou Humble
I've been thinking about Lehi and his dream and the building filled with finger pointing accusing scoffers to the believers below. As others ridicule my cherished beliefs, do I conduct myself within the guidelines of the 11th article of Faith. The article that says it all. the Article that preaches live and let live. the foundation of not judging others. teaching me about unconditional love. Am I living that as my personal honor code when I'm responding to their choices? Mirroring their very behavior while expressing what I know to be true? I'm thinking I'm standing on the ground and conducting myself like those in that building, as I am conducting myself.
In that building story of Lehi's dream, those on the ground, those having the words thrown at them, the fingers pointed at them...how did they react?. They heeded not.
Isn't that what the Savior did? When he was tempted, teased, taunted, challenged by the adversary...the scriptures say...He heeded not.
the story of the worker on the wall. would not allow him self to be distracted. stayed focus. didn't lose sight of his purpose. (Nehemiah)
help beyond. they that be for us. are more than those against us. ( Elisha.2 Kings)
things will get rough. It's the last days. (Holland?)
I can preach/teach/witness truth or rant and rave about untruth. which approach really moves the work forward and saves my own soul? hopefully. (on the soul saving part!)
We women can be so insistent, so strident, so abrasive, so stubborn, so naggy, so obnoxious IF we really believe we are right. I can say that and know I do not stand alone in that definition. not all the time but sometimes. This scenario of the Priesthood for women and the entire Gay marriage etc. bring out the worst in many. I think my total opposition to their position puts me in same style battle gear. The bad thing is it feels quite comfy to wear and screech back that they are wrong and I'm right. Yes. I need to regroup.
Actually it's not my Church. It's the Lord's Church. The best thing I can do is live it to the best of my ability. Build up my local Ward. Support my local leaders. Develop my Spiritual self by trying to follow promptings of the Holy Ghost. Go to the Temple. and all the other myriad of details for LDS living, as what I know to be-- true Christianity. My prayers for the Prophet and Apostles, will help the cause for belief in revealed truth, far more than me arguing. figuring out how to love everyone unconditionally would be better time spent.
This letter to the women wanting access to the all male meeting is one of my all-time favorite statements.
Cody Craynor about what happened on Temple Square:
Temple Recommend..... These two questions alone are so telling.....
2. Do you sustain the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the prophet, seer, and revelator; and do you recognize him as the only person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys?
6. Do you affiliate with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual?
As of Sunday morning Ordain Women has 2719 likes. While a new group, Mormon Women Stand, totally supportive of the Prophet and Apostles, had 20,897 likes. +1. Me. OW, according to their stats had 510 women in attendance + 360 proxy cards, of women that supported, wanted to attend but couldn't. If we say 500 were involved out of the 15 Million membership then that is a percentage of .0000333! How do you even say that miniscule amount. A bitty amount participating overall but definitely an irritant to peaceful worship!
Below....The founder of Ordain Women. A beautiful young LDS woman that wants the Priesthood for herself and all females. Raw picture of her Saturday before heading to Temple Square...Crying and moved and touched with the emotion of what she wants. Strange that I wept for what she wants also. Not because I want it but because she does.
It fits right in with my rethink of how I intend to handle/react to some issues that we are facing or will face.
Chapter Two
I'm so opposed to the LDS feminist movement seeking Priesthood for women. And the gay movement that wants non-traditional marriage bugs me...Mostly because some of this is being legislated, so some think it is suddenly moral, because it is legal. The big huge issue with me-- is your own Church!! That is when my irritation starts to grow. I have to change course in my reaction.
I also have this huge concern over thinking that others will buy into this line of thinking and be hoodwinked. So am I thinking that I am destined to save the entire world????
What to do? I know what I believe and what I don't believe. I believe in Latter-day revelation to the male leaders of the Church at large. the Apostles. the First Presidency. I absolutely do not believe that anything I think needs to be changed, or for that matter what anyone else think needs to be changed, will amount to anything more than an irritant to General Church Authorities. No amount of letter writing or protests, even peaceful, will amount to a twit as far as instigating change. Revelation/change for the Church at large-- comes from the top, down. not from the bottom, upwards. (figure that out, huh? you understand. right?)
I've really been thinking of this and am going to tweak a few things within myself. for me to muzzle myself a bit can only come about if I really believe that is what I need to do. I do believe that.
Chapter Three
I never got upset while waiting for the Priesthood to be given to all men. I didn't understand it but I figured the authorities knew what was going on and in time it will all turn out fine. These present issues, that are in instances old issues, are not in that category. Authorities/Prophets were pleading for that day to come about Priesthood for all men. They would mention it. It was just an matter of time.
Authorities are not praying for revelation on the Priesthood being extended to females. They are not praying for gays to be sealed in the Temple. These issues are not open for discussion.
Chapter Four
What really bugs me (more bugging. bring on the aerosol poison and spray me down!!) is I absolutely love my Church. I love my association with members. I love the feeling of calm assurance that He cares. (Is that a hymn phrase?) There is a very family feeling, a homey connection, with the familiarity of my worship and the comfort of tradition. The peace I feel. I don't want my peace of worship disrupted. I don't want fussing and feuding and protesting and harshness and loudness. I don't want to have others trying to change what I value as my choice. No tweaking welcome.
There is a lot coming down the pike and I can see it will grow and get gnarly but what about me? Me with the capability/ability to snap back, loudly/meanly (perhaps?), to give them my more than 2 cents worth of thinking? spewing quotes. stating scriptures. am I really changing anything? Is this my standing as a witness at all times and in all places? Behavior of someone who believes she is a daughter of God?
I've really been thinking a lot about this. Praying a lot.
The Holy Ghost speaks quietly to me. doesn't he to you also? Do I drive him away with my, at times strident, manner.
Chapter 5
That phrase calm assurance just stayed with me so I stopped and found it! I will take this as a part of the puzzle that I'm trying to solve for altering my reaction behavior. A piece that lets me know I'm on the right track. It even mentions gentle! Often hymns that pop into my mind have all/some of answers I'm seeking. I assume that is how it works for you also.
130 Be Thou Humble
Chapter 6
I've been thinking about Lehi and his dream and the building filled with finger pointing accusing scoffers to the believers below. As others ridicule my cherished beliefs, do I conduct myself within the guidelines of the 11th article of Faith. The article that says it all. the Article that preaches live and let live. the foundation of not judging others. teaching me about unconditional love. Am I living that as my personal honor code when I'm responding to their choices? Mirroring their very behavior while expressing what I know to be true? I'm thinking I'm standing on the ground and conducting myself like those in that building, as I am conducting myself.
In that building story of Lehi's dream, those on the ground, those having the words thrown at them, the fingers pointed at them...how did they react?. They heeded not.
Isn't that what the Savior did? When he was tempted, teased, taunted, challenged by the adversary...the scriptures say...He heeded not.
the story of the worker on the wall. would not allow him self to be distracted. stayed focus. didn't lose sight of his purpose. (Nehemiah)
help beyond. they that be for us. are more than those against us. ( Elisha.2 Kings)
things will get rough. It's the last days. (Holland?)
I can preach/teach/witness truth or rant and rave about untruth. which approach really moves the work forward and saves my own soul? hopefully. (on the soul saving part!)
Chapter 7
We women can be so insistent, so strident, so abrasive, so stubborn, so naggy, so obnoxious IF we really believe we are right. I can say that and know I do not stand alone in that definition. not all the time but sometimes. This scenario of the Priesthood for women and the entire Gay marriage etc. bring out the worst in many. I think my total opposition to their position puts me in same style battle gear. The bad thing is it feels quite comfy to wear and screech back that they are wrong and I'm right. Yes. I need to regroup.
Actually it's not my Church. It's the Lord's Church. The best thing I can do is live it to the best of my ability. Build up my local Ward. Support my local leaders. Develop my Spiritual self by trying to follow promptings of the Holy Ghost. Go to the Temple. and all the other myriad of details for LDS living, as what I know to be-- true Christianity. My prayers for the Prophet and Apostles, will help the cause for belief in revealed truth, far more than me arguing. figuring out how to love everyone unconditionally would be better time spent.
Chapter 8
This letter to the women wanting access to the all male meeting is one of my all-time favorite statements.
Cody Craynor about what happened on Temple Square:
Despite polite and respectful requests from church leaders not to make Temple Square a place of protest, a mixed group of men and women ignored that request and staged a demonstration outside the Tabernacle on General Conference weekend, refusing to accept ushers’ directions and refusing to leave when asked. While not all the protesters were members of the church, such divisive actions are not the kind of behavior that is expected from Latter-day Saints and will be as disappointing to our members as it is to church leaders.
Chapter 9
Temple Recommend..... These two questions alone are so telling.....
2. Do you sustain the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the prophet, seer, and revelator; and do you recognize him as the only person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys?
6. Do you affiliate with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual?
Chapter 10
As of Sunday morning Ordain Women has 2719 likes. While a new group, Mormon Women Stand, totally supportive of the Prophet and Apostles, had 20,897 likes. +1. Me. OW, according to their stats had 510 women in attendance + 360 proxy cards, of women that supported, wanted to attend but couldn't. If we say 500 were involved out of the 15 Million membership then that is a percentage of .0000333! How do you even say that miniscule amount. A bitty amount participating overall but definitely an irritant to peaceful worship!
Chapter 11
Below....The founder of Ordain Women. A beautiful young LDS woman that wants the Priesthood for herself and all females. Raw picture of her Saturday before heading to Temple Square...Crying and moved and touched with the emotion of what she wants. Strange that I wept for what she wants also. Not because I want it but because she does.
I just remembered that I said here that I would do 4 Soapbox items. So this is #1.
That letter from her Bishop is so touching and beautifully written and I just think it tells it all! I re-read it again. here
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