Monday, June 2, 2014

Just things....

In the midst of waiting for results of blood tests for Terry, we are also waiting for the heating element  for our clothes dryer.  I love my appliances.  (how worldly!!)  My washer and dryer are now old and have proven reliable since they were purchased brand new some 20 years ago!  Everything nowadays is so sleek and rounded and huge that my oldies but goodies would be very hard to replace style-wise.  I think when you have old things it looks best to not throw in something modern/chic/the latest rage.  I like monochromatic old things!  In 5 years or maybe more they will be considered antiques and others will covet (if they are into covet mode) my old things.

There was a load in the washer when the dryer had it's element attack and then Terry had his own attack and the forgotten clothes soured (as my Mother would say).  so they have been rewashed and Saturday they got one more rewash, with some bleach for good measure, taken out of the washer (with Terry squeezing into a place small enough for a mouse and handing them to me!) for me to hang then up.  Nothing on earth like line-dried clothes with the unmatched scent of fresh air!!!

I really enjoyed hanging them on my single line clothes-line that Terry jerry-rigged.  I thought of how simple life used to be, when everyone focused on basics and most folks were practical. It was labor intensive time-wise but also very simple, in that you did all laundry in one fell swoop, hung it out, took it down, folded and put away, sprinkled the needs-to-be-ironed previously liquid starched batch.  Then had an ironing day.  I also thought about my family responsibility when I was a girl and weekly did our 4 person family laundry.  I loved doing it!!

I remember hand embroidered dish-towels that Mother always referred to as her tea-towels.  Embroidery letters referenced that days task...Laundry Day or Baking Day etc., and then there was also a figure embroidered and a embroidered hem.  If it wasn't so late and I wasn't so tired, I'd go find one of my Mothers, that I have as a keepsake, and show you.  Another day.  Another time.  Another blog post. 

read about how I did laundry as a girl.. here

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