Friday, September 21, 2012

New Arrivals

Pictures like this just melt my heart!  These babies are so fortunate, so blessed to come into their families.  And the families are blessed to have them! 

Both babies are the 4th child in their families.  J.D. has 3 sisters.  Madison has 2 sisters and 1 brother.
Their Mothers are marvelous strong spiritual women with deep testimonies and love of the Gospel. 

I like what President Hinckley said in these two quotes....

How much more beautiful
would be the world and the
society in which we live if...
every mother regarded her 
children as the jewels of her
life, as gifts from the God of
heaven, who is their Eternal
Father, and brought them up 
with true affection in the wisdom
and admonition of the Lord.
God bless you, dear friends,
Do not trade your birthright
as a mother for some bauble
of passing value.  Let your 
first interest be in your home.
The baby you hold in your 
arms will grow quickly as the
sunrise and the sunset of the 
rushing days. 

and also Abraham Lincoln's famous words..

All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother.

Angela and Abby...They are adorable!!!!  It was a long hard journey and you did awesome!

J.D. Truman
Madison Abigail Reed

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