Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Me...Stunned! (Soap Box!)

I did not intend to get up on my Soap Box but I have ended up doing just that!!!

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (sheet music cover).jpeg

I'm a dinosaur.  I'm conservative.  I'm modest.  Am I prudish?  If believing it's totally inappropriate...100% wrong!... to take a nude picture of yourself and share it via social media...then, yes, I'm prudish.  I'm guilty of finding that action off my decent behavior meter!  Sensibility has flown the coop!  Standards???- does any one of the younger generation actually believe in personal standards?-- much less live them??  What is going on???

You know I have a testimony of the Gospel and believe in the Savior and living apostles and all those associated things.  I'm also well aware that these are the last days and we are living in perilous times BUT my jaw dropped when I heard about this sick phenomena.  Even our little hamlet is not immune!!!  I've heard it happens here!

Today I saw the article below and I'm so stunned.  I just have to share it.  Probably all of you Moms with children at home know about this.  Not meaning to be the bearer of bad news just want to send an awareness post.  When I first heard of this I could not absorb it but now...I'm believing it's happening!

Would you ever think that you'd have to teach teens that it's not good to take such pictures and share them?????  What parent would ever think to make sure you teach this??  at what?! - a FHE?  Good grief!!  Talk about being of the world!!

Do they not even consider that these images will forever come back to haunt them??  OR do they even care??

I cannot fathom this.  I've met my match!!


 Deseret news.  Utah school/schools.  Uh, are there still lots of Mormons in Utah High Schools????   here 

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