Monday, March 13, 2017

good morning!

A busy few days for sure.  I continue my sorting through the contents of the green trunk.  It seems as though being exposed to air has caused the papers to expand.  There seems to be more than when I started and it gets a bit overwhelming but I'm hanging in there and making headway.  More on that later.


Hubby and I are trying again (or is it still?) to be healthier and here is our latest purchase of exercise equipment that is suppose to work magic.  Terry is going to PT for a few appointments, designed to help him with his balance and he's thinking this conveyance will help even more.  Plus he feels I need to put my plump self on there!  Today is the first day of the trial run.  This may get very interesting!!

You do see the 3 wheels, don't you?  Our trike!

Sometimes wonderful things happen to us that we didn't know we needed and it's just comforting and healing.  I didn't know that I was needy of hearing someone say they loved me/valued me beyond my family.  I realized I was a bit parched inwardly when it just warmed my entire being to be told that I meant something to someone.  Does that make any sense?  Just the essence of being made to feel loved/included is a powerful gift we can give.  

To top off this flood of goodness, and the flood was actually more like several raindrops, if you count them individually but it had a flood-like effect on my soul.  This deluge was topped off by receiving a note, that I will always cherish, from a young Mother that is a friend.  I do believe that at a certain age we all become the same age!  would that be ageless?  When we are young we tend to flock with similars but as we age we realize that we women are all exactly that!...women.  Age does not matter anymore.  Matters of the heart matter.  Especially with our gospel linked hearts.

I feel the same about her as she feels about me!  A dear young friend!

Some of my boost came from going to the Stake Women's Conference and feeling the love and sincerity of the 3 presenters and also seeing people I hadn't seen in a long time. Some of that gift of goodness came from my Ward sisters...the warmth...sincerity...friendliness that they embody...loved basking in that cuddle with a blanket feeling!  I was reminded...and a word spoken in due season, how good it is! (Prov 15:23)   

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